From strictly gaming, certainly the jump from only 4c/8t (6700K)to 6c/12t on the fastest architecture out there (most 5600 reviews show the 5600X about tied with 10700K, or even faster in many games) will make a noticeable difference in minimum/average FPS for many games; the proposed CPU and GPU upgrades to an RTX3070 (1070 is still fine at 1080P in most games, however) to a 2080Ti equivalent (3070) would likely result in a system with higher min FPS at 1440P than what you had at 1080P....
Only you can decide if your current rig is no longer adequate for what you use it for daily, and in need of upgrade, however. (As I primarily only play BF1 at 1080P/60Hz , my own 3.5 year old rig,(7700K at 4.7 GHz on a Z270/GTX1060) still seems...