[SOLVED] Upgrade needed from 2015 mid range build, AMD or INTEL?

Boneless Senju

Feb 28, 2019
Youtube videos starting to buffer a lot and slow down then stutter due to CPU age

Approximate Purchase Date: Summer 2019 OR Dec 2019

Budget Range: 1200 - 1400 without GPU (2000 with 2080)

System Usage from Most to Least Important: HEAVY gaming on 1080p panel (Wish I had a 4k panel), Photoshop, streaming sometimes

Are you buying a monitor:

Parts to Upgrade: Currently have:
i5 4670k @4.4GHZ
gtx 1070 (Used to be gtx 760)
16 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHZ
Corsair cx600m Bronze Cert. PSU
cooler master hyper 212 evo

Do you need to buy OS: Hell No

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg and Amazon

Location: Bronx, NY

Parts Preferences: Not sure Intel or AMD CPU, ASUS or MSI Motherboard, Corsair or EVGA PSU


SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920 X 1080 144HZ
Additional Comments: dont care about noise

And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: noticing very low framerates on games cant even stream anymore, cant do multiple tabs anymore and youtube starting to stutter smh
Ryzen 3rd Gen stock (with Turbo boost) shouldn't require liquid cooling but seeing as you overclock it wouldn't hurt to get that AIO especially for the RGB stuff! 🤣

Your PSU is ok but really isn't very good quality wise and I'm sure has some time on it so with all the upgrades your doing I suggested the Seasonic which is one of the best units out there and also has a 10 year warranty.

Yea those monitors look amazing but yea are taking quite awhile to release. My monitor has HDR and TBH I'm not impressed. Now I know HDR ranges do vary but color wise I prefer IPS over the HDR content I've tried (Destiny 2/AC: Odyssey) but maybe it requires a bit more tweaking via Windows/monitor settings. Plus some of the games I play are older and...
While I can understand that gaming may not be too favorable with that CPU YT videos shouldn't be a issue with that CPU, maybe it's a internet/connection issue?

As for upgrading the difference between what will be available summer and available in December could be massive as tech is constantly changing. Looking at what is releasing in Summer/May the best choice seems to be the AMD 3rd Gen Ryzen CPU's as there's going to be quite the increase in cores/threads and also clock speeds. The 3700X (12C/24T) is rumored to boost up to 5ghz when needed. Then there's going to be the Ryzen 9's which look very impressive but are going for $449/$499.

If you can hold out for a couple of months I'd grab a 3rd Gen but if you can't wait then I'd snag a Ryzen 2600 now, good B450 MB & 16gb of DDR4 @3200mhz then when the higher end 3rd gen releases then consider the upgrade if needed. There's a few Intel choices such as the 8700K/9700K/9900K but price to performance, IMHO, isn't really worth it especially if your considering a monitor upgrade to go with your RTX 2080 (would be a waste @1080P/144hz).

If you wanted to buy soon this is what I'd recommend. Only go with the 21:9 if your games support it natively or there's a fix from UWF.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($164.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212 Black Edition 42 CFM CPU Cooler ($40.98 @ Walmart)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard ($129.00 @ B&H)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($104.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB Black Video Card ($729.99 @ B&H)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($89.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Monitor: MSI - Optix MAG341CQ 34.0" 3440x1440 100 Hz Monitor ($459.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1719.93
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-28 11:35 EST-0500

This saves a bit of money from your total budget and allows you to have some money when the 4rd gen RYzen's come out.
While I can understand that gaming may not be too favorable with that CPU YT videos shouldn't be a issue with that CPU, maybe it's a internet/connection issue?

As for upgrading the difference between what will be available summer and available in December could be massive as tech is constantly changing. Looking at what is releasing in Summer/May the best choice seems to be the AMD 3rd Gen Ryzen CPU's as there's going to be quite the increase in cores/threads and also clock speeds. The 3700X (12C/24T) is rumored to boost up to 5ghz when needed. Then there's going to be the Ryzen 9's which look very impressive but are going for $449/$499.

If you can hold out for a couple of months I'd grab a 3rd Gen but if you can't wait then I'd snag a Ryzen 2600 now, good B450 MB & 16gb of DDR4 @3200mhz then when the higher end 3rd gen releases then consider the upgrade if needed. There's a few Intel choices such as the 8700K/9700K/9900K but price to performance, IMHO, isn't really worth it especially if your considering a monitor upgrade to go with your RTX 2080 (would be a waste @1080P/144hz).

If you wanted to buy soon this is what I'd recommend. Only go with the 21:9 if your games support it natively or there's a fix from UWF.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($164.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212 Black Edition 42 CFM CPU Cooler ($40.98 @ Walmart)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard ($129.00 @ B&H)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($104.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB Black Video Card ($729.99 @ B&H)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($89.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Monitor: MSI - Optix MAG341CQ 34.0" 3440x1440 100 Hz Monitor ($459.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1719.93
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-28 11:35 EST-0500

This saves a bit of money from your total budget and allows you to have some money when the 4rd gen RYzen's come out.

It isnt the type of stuttering or buffering from internet, my speeds are good. The video slows down drastically, then when it catches up it stutters and it is very obnoxious. I noticed there was a problem because when I was watching a twitch stream and then I opened a tab of their streamlabs to donate, all the Gifs on the page made the twitch stream stop on my 1st monitor (2nd monitor had streamlabs open) and thats when I was upset. My CPU is finally starting to give out. Ive had it on 4.4ghz for like 3 years now. As for the ryzen, Ive always hated hated hated AMD but with intels i7 9700k having disabled hyperthreading (essentially putting it into the 9900k) that was the final straw. So I think I will take what you are saying and wait for the 3rd gen ryzen. Will I need to put it on liquid cooling? Ive always wanted to use an h110i RGB (Ive installed it for so many people so far I want one too). May I ask why Seasonic? Ive always had this incentive that EVGA/Corsair gives the best PSU performance. as per monitor, I have been waiting all this time since it was announced, for the ASUS pg35vq and the predator x35 (hdr 200hz 3440 1400) but it is taking forever. I really want that HDR man. But I get what you mean by the 2080 being overkill, but I intend to use that Real Time Ray Tracing to the maximum. And if the game doesnt have it I sometimes go for 4k DSR (use it on Rise of the Tomb Raider and get 30fps)
All the other parts I will definitely get tho. Is that motherboard good for overclocking, say, if I get the new Ryzen 3rd gen? Thanks for the help
Ryzen 3rd Gen stock (with Turbo boost) shouldn't require liquid cooling but seeing as you overclock it wouldn't hurt to get that AIO especially for the RGB stuff! 🤣

Your PSU is ok but really isn't very good quality wise and I'm sure has some time on it so with all the upgrades your doing I suggested the Seasonic which is one of the best units out there and also has a 10 year warranty.

Yea those monitors look amazing but yea are taking quite awhile to release. My monitor has HDR and TBH I'm not impressed. Now I know HDR ranges do vary but color wise I prefer IPS over the HDR content I've tried (Destiny 2/AC: Odyssey) but maybe it requires a bit more tweaking via Windows/monitor settings. Plus some of the games I play are older and don't support HDR and I'm not someone that wants to change HDR settings just based on the game I'm playing.

Ah, DSR, such a good feature for OP cards. Used to run 4K DSR on a 2560x1080P for anime titles and made the games look so smooth that they appeared drawn which was fantastic. My monitor supports HDR (probably the lower end of the HDR scale) and TBH I'm not impressed with it over IPS. I setup HDR in Windows as well as my monitor and tried two HDR games I own (AC: Odyssey & Destiny 2) and wasn't impressed. It could be my not-so-high end HDR but to me it didn't look right so I reverted everything back to stock. But yea, that Predator X35 looks amazing!

I have the same motherboard and it seems really good for overclocking and has some good features like dual M.2. I can't speak for overclocking as I haven't done much since I'm using the stock cooler and while it keeps it plenty cool it's very loud. XFR2 which is similar to Nvidia GPU boost to that it boost when needed above normal boost speeds did get my 2600 to 4.2ghz for a little bit. Replacing the stock cooler soon with the CM EVO Black 212 RGB & probably adding a second RGB fan to it for a push/pull config. Should be able to get like a 4.2-4.3 OC with it. AMD has stated multiple times that they will be using the AM4 socket until 2020 so it should support the 3rd gen without issues and after a BIOS update. Personally I'm looking at the 3700 or 3700X as I really want that 5ghz boost speed but if AMD announces one last AM4 Ryzen series before they move onto a new socket then I'd probably wait on that as my 2600 performs well enough for me.

Your budget would support the 8700K so if you do prefer Intel that also would be a feasible choice overclocked @5ghz and would game better then the 2600 @1080P.
Ryzen 3rd Gen stock (with Turbo boost) shouldn't require liquid cooling but seeing as you overclock it wouldn't hurt to get that AIO.

Your PSU is ok but really isn't very good quality wise and I'm sure has some time on it so with all the upgrades your doing I suggested the Seaonsic which is one of the best units out there and also has a 10 year warranty.

Yea those monitors look amazing but yea are taking quite awhile to release. My monitor has HDR and TBH I'm not impressed. Now I know HDR ranges do vary but color wise I prefer IPS over the HDR content I've tried (Destiny 2/AC: Odyssey) but maybe it requires a bit more tweaking via Windows/monitor settings. Plus some of the games I play are older and don't support HDR and I'm not someone that wants to change HDR settings just based on the game I'm playing.

Ah, DSR, such a good feature for OP cards. Used to run 4K DSR on a 2560x1080P for anime titles and made the games look so smooth that they appeared drawn which was fantastic. My monitor supports HDR (probably the lower end of the HDR scale) and TBH I'm not impressed with it over IPS. I setup HDR in Windows as well as my monitor and tried two HDR games I own (AC: Odyssey & Destiny 2) and wasn't impressed. It could be my not-so-high end HDR but to me it didn't look right so I reverted everything back to stock. But yea, that Predator X35 looks amazing!

I have the same motherboard and it seems really good for overclocking and has some good features like dual M.2. I can't speak for overclocking as I haven't done much since I'm using the stock cooler and while it keeps it plenty cool it's very loud. Replacing it soon with the CM EVO Black 212 RGB & probably adding a second RGB fan to it for a push/pull config. Should be able to get like a 4.2-4.3 OC with it. AMD has stated multiple times that they will be using the AM4 socket until 2020 so it should support the 3rd gen without issues and after a BIOS update. Personally I'm looking at the 3700 or 3700X as I really want that 5ghz boost speed but if AMD announces one last AM4 Ryzen series then I'd probably wait on that as my 2600 performs well enough for me.

Your budget would support the 8700K so if you do prefer Intel that also would be a feasible choice overclocked @5ghz.
I was planning on a gold certified EVGA FTW 750 or corsiar 1000 or something like that. I always thought those 2 were the best. Ill look into that seasonic.

I guess ill be looking into that 21:9 monitor. HDR 200 Hz is taking way too long lol. dual M.2 sounds amazing. Am currently on a samsung evo 860 .

I always go Intel but the 9xxx series is very disappointing. I want to be able to still stream and multi task in the future but I also want to always have my games at the VERY LEAST running 5-10% fps lower than if i had the latest stuff cause I know for a fact im waaaay lower now. I was soo disappointed when I went to stream dragon ball FighterZ and Resident Evil 2 Remake and my PC cant handle it at all. SMH
Well if you prefer EVGA then grab the G3 series as there really good, I got lucky and randomly found the G3 650W for $50 and no MIR on Cyber Monday. I was actually helping someone on here find a good PSU for cheap and saw that one, replaced a few month old Corsair CXM550W.

Yep M.2 is nice especially if you go NVMe. A friend of mine has the X470 version of my Asus and added in a 970 EVO NVMe drive which was insanely fast. For comparison I installed Win10 onto my 860 EVO 500gb which took about 5mins and his drive did it in like 1.5 mins which was impressive. Going to snag one of those when I get the extra cash as Blade & Soul, even on a SSD, takes awhile to load up.

9th Gen has been disappointing but going 8700K/Z390 would still be a solid choice @1080P. For the higher res & ultra wide then I'd go Ryzen.
Well if you prefer EVGA then grab the G3 series as there really good, I got lucky and randomly found the G3 650W for $50 and no MIR on Cyber Monday. I was actually helping someone on here find a good PSU for cheap and saw that one, replaced a few month old Corsair CXM550W.

Yep M.2 is nice especially if you go NVMe. A friend of mine has the X470 version of my Asus and added in a 970 EVO NVMe drive which was insanely fast. For comparison I installed Win10 onto my 860 EVO 500gb which took about 5mins and his drive did it in like 1.5 mins which was impressive. Going to snag one of those when I get the extra cash as Blade & Soul, even on a SSD, takes awhile to load up.

9th Gen has been disappointing but going 8700K/Z390 would still be a solid choice @1080P. For the higher res & ultra wide then I'd go Ryzen.

Ill probably go 970 when I get more money. I didnt know the 970 is THAT much faster than the 860. Wow.
Why would higher resolution make a difference? I definitely plan to play RE2 on higher res, that is my fav game.

Please post those results!
Well for example if gaming at 1080P the results between the 8700K & 2600 could be something like this...

1080P2600=70 FPS

But when going to a higher resolution more of the gaming load shifts from the CPU to the GPU so at a higher resolution the results could end up like this.

4K/8700K=70 FPS
4K/2600=65 FPS

Now this is pretty generic and could differ quite a bit depending on the game but still the difference lessons with the higher resolution.

I get paid tomorrow & still have my Amazon Prime 2-day shipping free trial still going so I'll probably grab the cooler & hopefully have it home and installed/tested by Sunday.
So I got the CM EVO 212 Black RGB today as Amazon was out of stock and a semi local Microcenter (about a hour away) had it. Compared to the stock cooler this thing is deathly silent. Room temp is 22C, CPU idle temp is 27C. Gaming Benchmark (Rise of the Tomb Raider) Got the CPU to 37C @3.9ghz (stock).

This was just a quickie test but when I further delve into it I'll post more results and more importantly stuff such as Prime95 results although I will say cooling/sound wise it's a massive upgrade. Even at 37C it's silent and the stock cooler was running at 65C during the same benchmark so I know i'll have a bit of room overhead for overclocking.
At least it looks decent.

