Upgraded comp (hardware and OS- now with ME), canw


Jul 10, 2001
I just upgraded my comp, 1.4 gig athlon, MSI ddr MB, 256 MB ddr memory, 52x CDROM and Windows ME. WHne i try to load ANY new software (norton utils, games etc) I get all kinds of errors. Getting out of memory errors (have a 30 gig hd with only 7 used), got a INS5576 error, gotten DLL missing,

What is my problem? Is my system toi fast now for me to use?? Will a slower CDROM work?? I have the latest drives for everything, SOund video MB, upgrades the OS for critical upgrades.... Am at my wits end.. PLease help if can
I had problems installing software from my CD when DMA was enabled. I had all sort of errors. You can try disable it for your CD-ROM in device manager.

It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick!
i had all sorts of problems when i first installed me, i had to download new drivers for keyboard and mouse even though ms and only 6 months old at the time. norton util's always gave an error message on installing although worked ok????????? other programs similar.i think i formatted/installed more than once to get it how i wanted, its not as good as they say
regards waggers