My fiance's laptop is almost 5 years old and was of questionable quality to begin with, so I'm looking to build a replacement, while at the same time upgrading some of the weaker parts on my gaming rig. Her machine will be for internet surfing, Office and basic tasks like that, no FPS gaming, video editing or torrenting. She wants a smallish case, so I'm looking at a microATX build. I have a student copy of vista 32 and 64, and I'm not sure what would be best in this case. My machine is set up to triple-boot XP32, Ubuntu 8.10 and Win 7 32 right now, but I mostly use XP.
The parts in my machine that I'm thinking about upgrading and reusing:
Pentium D 925 (looking at replacing it with a e5200. How much performance increase would I see with a stable overclock on air, with either a stock cooler or a darkknight?)
8500 GT (I bought an 8800GT a while back, so this is sitting in the closet ready)
2X1 GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2-800 (not as sure about whether I should upgrade this in my machine or just buy new for hers.)
Here are the new parts I have in mind:
CORSAIR CMPSU-400CX 400W bought already for $30 after MIR
HEC 6T Series 6T10BB Black 0.7mm SECC Steel MicroATX Mini Tower $40 with free shipping
ECS GF7100PVT-M3 LGA 775 NVIDIA GeForce 7100 HDMI Micro ATX $50 after MIR
Need some help deciding on whether to buy 2 GB for her, 4 for me and giving her the 2 I'm using, 4 for her and sticking with 2, or 4 for her and buying another 2 to get me to 4. I'm not sure I'd notice moving to 4 GB in XP, and I'm not sure if she'd need 4 GB for basic apps in vista.
Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD6400AAKS 640GB 7200 RPM $60. She's doing ok with 80 GB on her laptop, but there's not much money to save in going to a smaller drive. I do not want to mess with cloning my 400 GB HDD to the bigger drive and giving her the smaller one.
Whatever the cheapest retail sata burner is when I order this stuff.
Acer X203Wbd Black 20" 5ms Widescreen LCD $130. This is just a guess, because she thinks my 22" Acer at home is too big, and kind of want a second 22" like I have at work. We need to go to bestbuy or fry's and look at some in person to pick a size and resolution, I think.
The current list is adding up to around $400. I'm ok with waiting for newegg deals to roll around again and buying pieces in separate orders, but there's only so many parts I can really watch. Are there different parts I should be tracking? What should I do with the RAM? This will be my third build, but it's always good to get other opinions, even this isn't a i7 build with tri-SLI 280 GTXs.
The parts in my machine that I'm thinking about upgrading and reusing:
Pentium D 925 (looking at replacing it with a e5200. How much performance increase would I see with a stable overclock on air, with either a stock cooler or a darkknight?)
8500 GT (I bought an 8800GT a while back, so this is sitting in the closet ready)
2X1 GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2-800 (not as sure about whether I should upgrade this in my machine or just buy new for hers.)
Here are the new parts I have in mind:
CORSAIR CMPSU-400CX 400W bought already for $30 after MIR
HEC 6T Series 6T10BB Black 0.7mm SECC Steel MicroATX Mini Tower $40 with free shipping
ECS GF7100PVT-M3 LGA 775 NVIDIA GeForce 7100 HDMI Micro ATX $50 after MIR
Need some help deciding on whether to buy 2 GB for her, 4 for me and giving her the 2 I'm using, 4 for her and sticking with 2, or 4 for her and buying another 2 to get me to 4. I'm not sure I'd notice moving to 4 GB in XP, and I'm not sure if she'd need 4 GB for basic apps in vista.
Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD6400AAKS 640GB 7200 RPM $60. She's doing ok with 80 GB on her laptop, but there's not much money to save in going to a smaller drive. I do not want to mess with cloning my 400 GB HDD to the bigger drive and giving her the smaller one.
Whatever the cheapest retail sata burner is when I order this stuff.
Acer X203Wbd Black 20" 5ms Widescreen LCD $130. This is just a guess, because she thinks my 22" Acer at home is too big, and kind of want a second 22" like I have at work. We need to go to bestbuy or fry's and look at some in person to pick a size and resolution, I think.
The current list is adding up to around $400. I'm ok with waiting for newegg deals to roll around again and buying pieces in separate orders, but there's only so many parts I can really watch. Are there different parts I should be tracking? What should I do with the RAM? This will be my third build, but it's always good to get other opinions, even this isn't a i7 build with tri-SLI 280 GTXs.