Question Upgrading GPU ?


May 2, 2017

I'm currently running Nvidia GTX 1060 3 Gb with Ryzen 5 1600 oc'd to 3.4 GHz and a 500 W PSU. This has been working fine, but can't run the newest games, so I've been thinking about upgrading. My question is, can I just upgrade the GPU or will I create bottlenecks with the CPU or PSU? The models I've been looking at are RTX 3050 and RTX 3060 (partly bc I can get a used one from a friend) but really anything in the range 300-500 € would do. I'd prefer to change just the GPU now, if it makes any sense.
Which 500W PSU?

GTX1060 are pretty light, RTX3060 would add another 50W potential power draw.

Yes, a Ryzen 5 1600 is getting a little outdated. Depending on your motherboard you can upgrade to a 3600 for not a whole lot. If you have X370/B450 and up you can drop in a 5600 and basically be up to date.
The PSU is from EVGA (80+ I guess? It just says 500 W certified power supply) and monitor res is 1920*1080, been thinking about a new monitor as well but hasn't seemed reasonable with current setup. Motherboard is Gigabyte's GA-AB350-Gaming. Pretty much everything has run with 60 FPS so far. Only problem has been the GPU's temperature, I've changed the thermal paste (this model hasn't got thermal pads) but it still climbs up to 90 C while the CPU stays at around 60.
EVGA 80+ White label then. Not really a good choice for higher end GPUs.

You should invest in a quality 550W-650W unit.

Best bang for the buck right now, not even any decent Bronze units in this price range:

Your motherboard does indeed support the latest AM4 CPUs with a simple BIOS update.

So you can grab yourself a Ryzen 5600 and gain about 50% more CPU performance.
Do you have the possibility to add more fans to your case ?
What kind of thermal paste did you use ?
Maybe you can undervolt your card to lower the temperature without losing FPS in some games ? I've only heard about this procedure so far, maybe somebody can add some info.
To start, I would say "no way" to the RTX 3050 unless that's the one that your friend will sell you for cheap because those are so overpriced that they're not even worth looking at.

The truth is that no matter what you get, that R5-1600X is going to bottleneck the hell out of it. An R5-1600X with an RTX 3090 Ti would get worse gaming performance than an i9-10900K with an RX 6600 and that is NOT an exaggeration. Here's a video from Tech Deals demonstrating how an R7-1700X bottlenecks an RTX 3090 Ti so badly that it loses to an RX 6600 which itself is also bottlenecked by an i9-10900K:
Now, you're not being very clear about which card your friend is offering you and I don't really know why you would withhold that information so I'm going to ignore it.

The RTX 3050 and RTX 3060 are both bad values. They both cost more than Radeon cards that out-perform them and neither of them should have the "RTX" prefix because with RT turned on, they're so weak that the 3060 is almost useless and the 3050 literally is useless.

Now, I don't know what country that you're in so I'm going to just use Germany because you gave your budget in Euros and Germany is right in the middle of Europe. If you are from there, please forgive the fact that I didn't call it Deutschland. 😉

I'll demonstrate to you just how bad the values of the RTX 3050 and 3060 are:

The RTX 3050 costs 277 € <-Click the price to see the PCPartPicker listing
The RX 6600 costs 274 € <-Click the price to see the PCPartPicker listing

Ok, so both cards are similar in price with the RX 6600 being 3 € less expensive. However, they're not even remotely close in performance because the RX 6600 is, on average, a whopping 29% faster than the RTX 3050 8GB according to the TechPowerUp GPU Database. This makes the RTX 3050 a terrible choice.

With the RTX 3060, things get better than the RTX 3050 but still not good:

The RTX 3060 costs 349 € <-Click the price to see the PCPartPicker listing
The RX 6650 XT costs 321 € <-Click the price to see the PCPartPicker listing

So the RTX 3060 costs 28 € more than the RX 6650 XT but, according to the TechPowerUp GPU Database, the RX 6650 XT is 14% faster. The RTX 3060 has 4GB more VRAM than the RX 6650 XT but that's not going to have any impact on 1080p gaming (which is all you can do with a GTX 1060).

Compared to the GTX 1060, again from the TechPowerUp GPU Database:

The RTX 3050 is 52% faster.
The RX 6600 IS 77% faster.
The RTX 3060 is 109% faster.
The RX 6650 XT is 239% faster.

Regardless of what you get though, that R5-1600X would mean that you wouldn't see a performance increase in gaming that would be even close to what those other cards are capable of.

Now, what I was thinking was that your best bet would be to get an RX 6600 and a Ryzen 5 5600. The R5-5600 costs 142 € and together with the RX 6600 only costing 274 €, you'd be looking at 416 € which is well within your budget range and would be the best upgrade that you could get for less than 500 € and better than ANY video card by itself. The best part is that all you'd have to do is some BIOS updates and drop the R5-5600 into your existing AM4 motherboard. You don't have to buy a new motherboard or new RAM. This is the wonder of the AM4 platform! 😉

Now, you could get the RX 6650 XT for an extra 47 € and still be under 500 € (463 €) but I really think that the RX 6600 would be best for you. There have been questions about your PSU but the RX 6600 would work fine with the PSU that you have. I know this because your GTX 1060 works. The GTX 1060 and RX 6600 both recommend a 300W power supply which means they they draw about the same amount of electricity. Your power supply would be guaranteed to work with the RX 6600 so it's one less thing to worry about.

My recommendation within your 500 € budget would be a Ryzen 5 5600 CPU and a Radeon RX 6600 GPU. At 416 € for both, you can't go wrong.

TechPowerUp GPU Database Listings:
GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Radeon RX 6600 8GB
GeForce RX 3050 8GB
Radeon RX 6650 XT 8GB
GeForce RTX 3060 12GB
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Thanks for all the advice! I ended up getting RX 6600 XT (not the exact model anyone recommended, but one that was available at a local store - what can I say, I've got trust issues with online shopping) and it seems to run fine; no power issues so far. A new CPU (probably a 5600 since several people here recommended it) is next on the shopping list, but I got a decent improvement with the old one.