I'm in your same shoes. It's supposedly going to have equal performance to a 980(according to AMD), which would be a sizable upgrade.
Like turkey said though - waiting is the best thing to do at this moment.
I'm in your same shoes. It's supposedly going to have equal performance to a 980(according to AMD), which would be a sizable upgrade.
Like turkey said though - waiting is the best thing to do at this moment.
I'm in your same shoes. I have the very base version of the 770 and Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor lags a lot. It's the first game I've played that doesn't play well on it and it's really frustrating.
I can't wait to get the benchmarks. I'd be upgrading to the 8GB one I think, if I can sell my 770 for enough to get it. Thoughts?
it does pretty good, i bought it on ebay used for 150$ including shipping, supposedly the original owner never used it for gaming, but only for media streaming, and i have it oc to 1280 core and it runs only around 62c @ 75% fanspeed and 99%-100% Gpu (witcher III on high) getting around 45fps
Just to clarify: most reviews show the amd card to be a bit better than the 970, the 980 is 01 to 20% better. You can check on any review such as jaystwocents or linustech, or jeuxvideo.com
Just to clarify: most reviews show the amd card to be a bit better than the 970, the 980 is 01 to 20% better. You can check on any review such as jaystwocents or linustech, or jeuxvideo.com
The 970 proved to be better in some games so that's not an accurate statement.