I currently have an old build that has a few issues when it comes to playing games such as loading games, long boot times, and sometimes just freezes. This is the old build https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/srjDdm .
I am fairly new to building PC's and have done research (but not too in-depth) on what I need. I used pcpartpicker to make sure all of my components are compatible and so far so good. I recently noticed that it gives me "Compatibility Notes" at the bottom which you can see for yourself https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/WgfWTC . I am worried that something might go wrong but I am not too certain about it.
This PC will mainly be used for streaming, gaming, video editing, and internet browsing. Please let me know if there will be any issues with running this build.
Thank you.
I am fairly new to building PC's and have done research (but not too in-depth) on what I need. I used pcpartpicker to make sure all of my components are compatible and so far so good. I recently noticed that it gives me "Compatibility Notes" at the bottom which you can see for yourself https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/WgfWTC . I am worried that something might go wrong but I am not too certain about it.
This PC will mainly be used for streaming, gaming, video editing, and internet browsing. Please let me know if there will be any issues with running this build.
Thank you.