[SOLVED] upgrading old system


Nov 16, 2016
So my trusty companion has finally gotten too tired to continue. After much back and forth i've landed on the fact that the motherboard is dying. black screens, not enough power even with brand new top of the line psu's, tested psu in other systems etc. Computer boots like 1 out of 10 times, earlier i could get into post if i kept trying, but now it's just not happening. Everything spins up but mouse and keyboard don't light up so it seems it's not really putting out that much power after all. I don't wanna keep forcing it either for obvious reasons.

old specs are asus p9x79 mobo, cpu i7 3820, ram 8gb 1600mhz. I will keep my gpu which is gtx1060 and several ssds. case is atx.

I'm not too happy upgrading, for obvious reasons and I'm on a very tight budget. I'm only looking to replace here and keep the same performance i already had, not interested in any real upgrade but still concerned for possible downgrades obviously. I basically only play FFXIV in 1440p. Some streaming, photohsop etc, nothing special.

edit: i’m aware 8gb is very low for photoshop, i used to have 16gb and my goal is to go back to that later on. just not now.

i've come up with this combination :

Intel Core i5 9400F
Corsair 8GB (1x8GB DDR4 2400mhz CL16 Vengeance LPX)

Any compatibility issues? Significant downgrade, performance thoughts? Can i go even cheaper? My budget is super tight for this and i wanna keep it as farunder 400€ as possible. this would set me back around 380-390€. As a sidenote my biggest concern is the huge one time cost this is for me as a student, smaller upgrades for RAM and such shouldn't be too much to handle in coming months.
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Yes this seems to be good choices, thanks for taking your time with this :)

On a sidenote to all this, my old system still runs win7 but i'm looking to upgrade to 10 cause from what i understand new cpu's and motherboards won't be compatible with win7. Will the old boot drive still work through some repair-option just to get into it before i upgrade or will this require me to make a fresh win10 install from a USB stick or such before i can even run it?

You'll need a fresh install of Windows 10 to avoid any potential issues. Many people buy a key for Win 10 on the internet for $10-$20.
What PSU make and model will you have?

Just be wary with buying 8GB now and 8GB later, as RAM is only guaranteed in the form sold, even if they are the same make / model / timings, it is irrelevant. You can quite easily run into problems, so it is best practice to buy a whole 16GB pack.
Make sure you tested all of these things, including trying your RAM in different slots. Can you borrow a stick of good RAM to make sure its not your current RAM? Try a different GPU too.

If you must get a new PC, I would do this:

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor (€209.00 @ Alternate)
Motherboard: MSI - B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard (€104.84 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (€59.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €373.83
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-15 06:02 CEST+0200

The Tomahawk is supposed to have the BIOS flashback feature so that you can update it to the Ryzen 3000 chips without requiring a Ryzen 1000/2000 chip in it. Double check to be sure and check to see if new BIOS for Ryzen 3000 are available for it.

The Ryzen is a better long term purchase.


Although the FPS's are similar, look at the CPU usage. The 9400F is going all out, frequently at 90-100%. The 6 extra threads of the Ryzen give it some room to spare for "future proofing."

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Thanks for taking your time to reply. Yeah i've tried so much with this for about a year or so. The main problem which started sometime last year was that whenever i shut down the system it would not boot up again.

Previously this was solveable with simply clearing cmos or re-attaching the 24pin and/or 8pin connector from psu-motherboard or something like this. Last time i shut it down was about a month ago and since that time i had to turn it on and off about 7 times until it finally booted without giving LED-errors on motherboard. The weird thing is that the system worked perfectly while running.

Sadly i don't have access to another GPU or RAM sticks to try that. Honestly i just feel like i want to be able to turn off the computer without fearing it will never boot again and i feel like building a new one is the most failsafe, hence why i don't really care for upgrading at all.

Honestly messing around with BIOS flashing has only been a nightmare before and i would just like the motherboard and CPU to be as compatible as possible out-of-box.

Looking at the 2000 series AMD, would

AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 19MB

give me about the same performance? 2000 series interests me since with this and a motheboard from AMD4 v2 i can basically cut the costs in half if we put future proofing aside for a moment.
What PSU make and model will you have?

Just be wary with buying 8GB now and 8GB later, as RAM is only guaranteed in the form sold, even if they are the same make / model / timings, it is irrelevant. You can quite easily run into problems, so it is best practice to buy a whole 16GB pack.

Oh ok! I see, i didn't know this was a thing. Thanks i'll probably end up getting 16 in one go since there's a bunch of those on sale so cost is almost the same as 8gb.
...Looking at the 2000 series AMD, would

AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 19MB

give me about the same performance? 2000 series interests me since with this and a motheboard from AMD4 v2 i can basically cut the costs in half if we put future proofing aside for a moment.

This would be a nice build and you could upgrade the CPU later if you wanted.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor (€129.00 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: ASRock - B450 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard (€89.10 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (€59.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €278.09
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-15 19:10 CEST+0200
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Reactions: King_V
Yes this seems to be good choices, thanks for taking your time with this 🙂

On a sidenote to all this, my old system still runs win7 but i'm looking to upgrade to 10 cause from what i understand new cpu's and motherboards won't be compatible with win7. Will the old boot drive still work through some repair-option just to get into it before i upgrade or will this require me to make a fresh win10 install from a USB stick or such before i can even run it?
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Reactions: Bearmann
Yes this seems to be good choices, thanks for taking your time with this :)

On a sidenote to all this, my old system still runs win7 but i'm looking to upgrade to 10 cause from what i understand new cpu's and motherboards won't be compatible with win7. Will the old boot drive still work through some repair-option just to get into it before i upgrade or will this require me to make a fresh win10 install from a USB stick or such before i can even run it?

You'll need a fresh install of Windows 10 to avoid any potential issues. Many people buy a key for Win 10 on the internet for $10-$20.