I posted the URL above to prove DX10 AGP is real and now.. My PS2 died on me and my GF6600 isn't doing a great job with the latest crop of games either. So having looked into budget-y options (namely the Wii and the 360 Arcade) I came to the conclusion that the Wii is definitely not for me (no, not even NiGHTS will make me buy it!) and that much of the 360's library is already available on the PC. Certainly I'd love to play Ace Combat 6 and GTAIV they moment they're released, but I waited three years for the PS2 and it did no harm.
I have an AthlonXP 2800+ with 1.5 gig DDR and a Soltek mobo whose model I can't bother to look up right now. I noticed SupCom ran slow on my machine despite lowering visual detail, and I figured my single core CPU was the bottleneck. But having played and finished some UE3 titles (mainly Bioshock and MoH Airborne) I was surprised that my PC still packs a punch, regardless how weak it is. Will DirectX10 bring me up to speed? I haven't even tried Vista on my machine to be honest. Is there a chance DX10 will be r.e.'d to work on XP?
The reason I'm holding my (eventual) upgrade is that I'm waiting for AMD's triple/quad cores to become mainstream. I have little reason to invest in a dual core CPU at the moment. Of course when I do upgrade my vidcard will be redundant but I'd likely find someone with an archaic AGP-only mobo who'll take my vidcard.
So is it worth it or should I get a 360 Arcade instead? I don't like investing too early in a console that doesn't have the Japanese support that differentiated the PS2 from its predecessor. Thanks for any opinions!
I posted the URL above to prove DX10 AGP is real and now.. My PS2 died on me and my GF6600 isn't doing a great job with the latest crop of games either. So having looked into budget-y options (namely the Wii and the 360 Arcade) I came to the conclusion that the Wii is definitely not for me (no, not even NiGHTS will make me buy it!) and that much of the 360's library is already available on the PC. Certainly I'd love to play Ace Combat 6 and GTAIV they moment they're released, but I waited three years for the PS2 and it did no harm.
I have an AthlonXP 2800+ with 1.5 gig DDR and a Soltek mobo whose model I can't bother to look up right now. I noticed SupCom ran slow on my machine despite lowering visual detail, and I figured my single core CPU was the bottleneck. But having played and finished some UE3 titles (mainly Bioshock and MoH Airborne) I was surprised that my PC still packs a punch, regardless how weak it is. Will DirectX10 bring me up to speed? I haven't even tried Vista on my machine to be honest. Is there a chance DX10 will be r.e.'d to work on XP?
The reason I'm holding my (eventual) upgrade is that I'm waiting for AMD's triple/quad cores to become mainstream. I have little reason to invest in a dual core CPU at the moment. Of course when I do upgrade my vidcard will be redundant but I'd likely find someone with an archaic AGP-only mobo who'll take my vidcard.
So is it worth it or should I get a 360 Arcade instead? I don't like investing too early in a console that doesn't have the Japanese support that differentiated the PS2 from its predecessor. Thanks for any opinions!