Archived from groups: alt.windows-me,alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?)
Fred wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 02:14:25 -0400, Sparky Spartacus
> <Sparky@spartacus.galaxy.org> wrote:
>>SteveR wrote:
>>>"Notan" <notan@ddress.com> wrote in message
>>>>SteveR wrote:
>>>>>"Marilyn E. Burford" <burford@chebucto.ns.ca> wrote in message
>>>>>>Well it's finally happened. I can't renew my subscription for virus
>>>>>>definitions for my NAV 2000 as it isn't supported anymore.
>>>>>>My computer is a Dim 4100, P3 866, 512mg of SDRAM, running Win ME. Has
>>>>>>anyone tried upgrading to NAV 2005 with a similar setup. I am concerned
>>>>>>that with my older machine it will, (to use a phrase I've seen in posts
>>>>>>about Norton) make my machine 'run like a pig' (and so far, it's always
>>>>>>zipped along pretty good).
>>>>>>I also have been reading in archived posts at Google that NAV 2005
>>>>>>'make friends' very easily with Win ME...often hard to get to install
>>>>>>properly, makes your system act strange afterward, etc. If I DON'T get
>>>>>>2005, what are opinions re some of the other virus protection,
>>>>>>the free ones like AVG and Avast? AND...will it be easy to get NAV 2000
>>>>>>uninstall if I DO switch to another virus program???
>>>>>>I really don't know what I should do at this point and welcome any
>>>>>>opinions, especially from those who have a similar setup in their
>>>>>>computer, run Win ME and have tried to upgrade. Thanks much.
>>>>>>Marilyn B.
>>>>>Take your pick of 6 different Antivirus programs
>>>>There are some very good anti-virus programs, out there, that have
>>>>*no* affiliation with MS.
>>>Great, you shouldn't bash Microsoft when your running windows yourself.
>>>Your Newsgroup addy X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
>>>Now if you where running Linux or a MAC it would be different.
>>What sort of bizarre logic is this?
> I've seen this many times. It's stupid error-enhancing logic, used to
> maintain and perpetuate wrongdoing.
Um, okay, no argument here. 😉
Fred wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 02:14:25 -0400, Sparky Spartacus
> <Sparky@spartacus.galaxy.org> wrote:
>>SteveR wrote:
>>>"Notan" <notan@ddress.com> wrote in message
>>>>SteveR wrote:
>>>>>"Marilyn E. Burford" <burford@chebucto.ns.ca> wrote in message
>>>>>>Well it's finally happened. I can't renew my subscription for virus
>>>>>>definitions for my NAV 2000 as it isn't supported anymore.
>>>>>>My computer is a Dim 4100, P3 866, 512mg of SDRAM, running Win ME. Has
>>>>>>anyone tried upgrading to NAV 2005 with a similar setup. I am concerned
>>>>>>that with my older machine it will, (to use a phrase I've seen in posts
>>>>>>about Norton) make my machine 'run like a pig' (and so far, it's always
>>>>>>zipped along pretty good).
>>>>>>I also have been reading in archived posts at Google that NAV 2005
>>>>>>'make friends' very easily with Win ME...often hard to get to install
>>>>>>properly, makes your system act strange afterward, etc. If I DON'T get
>>>>>>2005, what are opinions re some of the other virus protection,
>>>>>>the free ones like AVG and Avast? AND...will it be easy to get NAV 2000
>>>>>>uninstall if I DO switch to another virus program???
>>>>>>I really don't know what I should do at this point and welcome any
>>>>>>opinions, especially from those who have a similar setup in their
>>>>>>computer, run Win ME and have tried to upgrade. Thanks much.
>>>>>>Marilyn B.
>>>>>Take your pick of 6 different Antivirus programs
>>>>There are some very good anti-virus programs, out there, that have
>>>>*no* affiliation with MS.
>>>Great, you shouldn't bash Microsoft when your running windows yourself.
>>>Your Newsgroup addy X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
>>>Now if you where running Linux or a MAC it would be different.
>>What sort of bizarre logic is this?
> I've seen this many times. It's stupid error-enhancing logic, used to
> maintain and perpetuate wrongdoing.
Um, okay, no argument here. 😉