Upgrading To Norton AV 2005

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Fred wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 02:14:25 -0400, Sparky Spartacus
> <Sparky@spartacus.galaxy.org> wrote:
>>SteveR wrote:
>>>"Notan" <notan@ddress.com> wrote in message
>>>>SteveR wrote:
>>>>>"Marilyn E. Burford" <burford@chebucto.ns.ca> wrote in message
>>>>>>Well it's finally happened. I can't renew my subscription for virus
>>>>>>definitions for my NAV 2000 as it isn't supported anymore.
>>>>>>My computer is a Dim 4100, P3 866, 512mg of SDRAM, running Win ME. Has
>>>>>>anyone tried upgrading to NAV 2005 with a similar setup. I am concerned
>>>>>>that with my older machine it will, (to use a phrase I've seen in posts
>>>>>>about Norton) make my machine 'run like a pig' (and so far, it's always
>>>>>>zipped along pretty good).
>>>>>>I also have been reading in archived posts at Google that NAV 2005
>>>>>>'make friends' very easily with Win ME...often hard to get to install
>>>>>>properly, makes your system act strange afterward, etc. If I DON'T get
>>>>>>2005, what are opinions re some of the other virus protection,
>>>>>>the free ones like AVG and Avast? AND...will it be easy to get NAV 2000
>>>>>>uninstall if I DO switch to another virus program???
>>>>>>I really don't know what I should do at this point and welcome any
>>>>>>opinions, especially from those who have a similar setup in their
>>>>>>computer, run Win ME and have tried to upgrade. Thanks much.
>>>>>>Marilyn B.
>>>>>Take your pick of 6 different Antivirus programs
>>>>There are some very good anti-virus programs, out there, that have
>>>>*no* affiliation with MS.
>>>Great, you shouldn't bash Microsoft when your running windows yourself.
>>>Your Newsgroup addy X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
>>>Now if you where running Linux or a MAC it would be different.
>>What sort of bizarre logic is this?
> I've seen this many times. It's stupid error-enhancing logic, used to
> maintain and perpetuate wrongdoing.

Um, okay, no argument here. 😉
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JAD wrote:

>>And you should know that there is no such thing as 100% infallible.
>>Even with those A/V programs.
> I have never fallen while using an A/V. I slipped once, but I caught myself
> before actually hitting the floor.

Are you thinking of "unfallable"?
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Mark Lloyd wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 08:56:36 -0700, "JAD" <kapasitor@earthcharter.net>
> wrote:
>>>And you should know that there is no such thing as 100% infallible.
>>>Even with those A/V programs.
>>I have never fallen while using an A/V. I slipped once, but I caught myself
>>before actually hitting the floor.
> A case of a very limited sample.
> I've never heard of anyone dying while using a personal computer.
> Maybe someone would consider this to be proof that computer use leads
> to immortality.

LOl - great post!
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JAD wrote:

> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@roachmail.comant> wrote in message
> news:rl7561duntdug6bqfgk33fc4otu84gojht@4ax.com...
>>On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 08:56:36 -0700, "JAD" <kapasitor@earthcharter.net>
>>>>And you should know that there is no such thing as 100% infallible.
>>>>Even with those A/V programs.
>>>I have never fallen while using an A/V. I slipped once, but I caught
>>>before actually hitting the floor.
>>A case of a very limited sample.
>>I've never heard of anyone dying while using a personal computer.
>>Maybe someone would consider this to be proof that computer use leads
>>to immortality.
> I have felt 'younger' since using a computer,,,maybe its just reminiscing.

Life is but an illusion - so maybe you're hallucinating again.

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On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 15:24:29 -0400, Sparky Spartacus
<Sparky@universalexports.org> wrote:

>JAD wrote:
>>>And you should know that there is no such thing as 100% infallible.
>>>Even with those A/V programs.
>> I have never fallen while using an A/V. I slipped once, but I caught myself
>> before actually hitting the floor.
>Are you thinking of "unfallable"?

I knew someone who fell out of bed recently, and had a "rude
Archived from groups: alt.windows-me,alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?)

On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 15:22:07 -0400, Sparky Spartacus
<Sparky@universalexports.org> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 02:13:04 -0400, Sparky Spartacus
>> <Sparky@spartacus.galaxy.org> wrote:
>>>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:12:23 GMT, "Allen L." <notvalid@notvalid.com>
>>>>>>On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 20:49:57 -0300, "Marilyn E. Burford"
>>>>>><burford@chebucto.ns.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>>Well it's finally happened. I can't renew my subscription for virus
>>>>>>>definitions for my NAV 2000 as it isn't supported anymore.
>>>>>>>I really don't know what I should do at this point and welcome any
>>>>>>>opinions, especially from those who have a similar setup in their
>>>>>>>computer, run Win ME and have tried to upgrade. Thanks much.
>>>>>>>Marilyn B.
>>>>>>In news😛eiv51dsr7er6q2f0p0vltchbrrc9rf77v@4ax.com,
>>>>>>Mark Lloyd <mlloyd@roachmail.comant> typed:
>>>>>>I recommend an online virus scanner, rather than a resident one. I've
>>>>>>posted a URL many times recently, and don't have time to repeat that
>>>>>But you won't have real time protection which catches probably 99% of
>>>>I use intelligence and knowledge for that.
>>>And you're infallible? I hear there's a job opening in Rome for a fellow
>>>with that skill?
>> And you should know that there is no such thing as 100% infallible.
>> Even with those A/V programs.
>Of course, but an automated procedure for a task such as this one is
>going to be more consistent than any manual one (I include myself here,
>of course). By the same token, I make more arithmetic mistakes balancing
>my checkbook than Quicken does, so I stopped balancing it by hand > 10
>years ago.

The online scanner is automatic, once you start it. A COMPLETELY
automatic process has the rick of running when you don't want it to,
and so interfering with the use of what's supposed to be YOUR

>>>>They have been very sucessful.
>>>Indeed, but are they perfect?
>> Perfection (the absolute form, rather than just OK) is incompatible
>> with reality as we know it, and can't exist ANYWHERE (so, of course,
>> it doesn't exist in A/V software or anywhere else).
>see above.

Mark Lloyd

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to
have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb
contesting the vote." - Benjamin Franklin