UPS!??!! what the heck is wrong with you?!


Dec 30, 2007
I'm doing my first build. According to UPS and Newegg, my case shipped from Newegg's Memphis TN warehouse. I had Ground shipment, and I am located in Tulsa. My case went from Memphis to OK City. Now I used to live in Nashville. You take I-40 from Nashville, pass through Memphis, then Little Rock, and it takes you straight to Tulsa.

So what the hell exactly am I missing here? They sent my case to Oklahoma City, and now UPS's tracking page says its on its way to Tulsa. In other words, if they had just stopped in Tulsa the first time, I would not have to wait until Monday to get my order... I thought for a second that maybe UPS flew the case from Memphis to Okla city, but after a phone call to UPS, they confirmed that the shipping I had is only through GROUND transportation, no air.

UPS along with all major shippers use a Hub system and so the first can be in the opposite direction of where the package will end up. Given the 10s of millions of packages they handle everyday, they need a system that is reasonably simple and nearly error proof. In a previously life I had opportunities to go to UPS and and USPS sties and now appreciate complexity of the the whole and the fact they in the mid 90% getting packages where there supposed to be. Not being an apologist, think shipping charges for most things are too high even though some of this is because shippers often make money off shipping. My major complaint with newegg.
Yes, Hub and Spoke system, just like the Airports use. Apparently the main recieving hub for Oklahoma is in Oklahoma City, not Tulsa.

Several years ago, the only hub Fed Ex had in the United States was in Cincinnati. EVERY SINGLE package you shipped went to Cincinnati.
So for us out here on the west coast, if you shipped a package ground Fed-Ex from Seattle to Portland, which is only like 200 miles, it took 5 days to get there. Fed-Ex on the West Coast sucked big time. They have finally opened several West Coast hubs, and it is much better than it used to be, but UPS is still the best way to ship by far. (I ship 100-5000 packages per day, and UPS wins by a good margin for on-time delivery and least lost shipments/damage)

Also, your package may have in fact in been flown from Memphis to Oklahoma City, or it may have went by truck. Just depends on the shipping load leaving Memphis and how they split it up.

It seems completely stupid also to think that a flight from Portland, OR going to Los Angeles, CA would start off by flying you straight north out of Portland 1 hour to Seattle. But that is the way it works to get the majority of packages, or customers where they need to go as quickly and cheaply as possible.