US Senate Passes 'CISA' Bill With Weak Privacy Protections

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Bravo for a very fine article. Mr. Armasu. This is a hot topic and I appreciate the solid reporting. That you included names to shame and praise is an especially nice touch. Thank you.
Leave it to people that barely know how to turn on a computer to pass a bill concerning "cybersecurity"..... But, as usual, it's just another movement in the wrong direction. It's not about protecting Americans from terrorists but the government trying to protect itself from Americans.
This bill isn't about cyber-security at all. When you need to grant companies immunity because they are violating the bill of rights, you know something is wrong. Shame on Intel for supporting this. They lumped themselves in with Comcast and Verizon. Oh what terrible company to keep.
That last part made me LOL " if even after this bill becomes law, we continue to see Target, Home Depot and Experian-style hacks where data of tens of millions of people is exposed in data breaches.", do you really think laws will stop criminals that reside outside US to stop what they are doing? I say "good luck" a the bad guy said in Taken.
I often wonder what exactly it will take to awaken the American population in enough numbers to actively understand their state senators motivations and then vote them out and vote in people who will not fuck them over, again and again.

There really is a deep rot in politics that I personally believe will not ever be changed until a sleeping giant is awakened and given purpose to demand a kind of change that politicians love to use as a soundbite when getting elected but rarely actually bring about once they're in.
The republicans were not there for the vote? Then, the Republicans all voted for CISA. Is it any wonder that the Republican party has lost its platform? To Donald Trump and Ben Carson? Either one of these men will be for freedom, liberty, justice( even for law breakers like Hillary) and make the USA great again.
heck just install windows 10 and let them have it, [see how that now works hand in hand ?? ] your all enemies of the state first and they will keep tabs on you to prove as you go your not [lol]

back when I was a lid like 8th grade this is what we learned about commie lands and there government .. funny how that table has turned

It's going to take allot to get the american public stirred up. With the supreme court relaxing campaign contribution laws more and more, the top 1% can spend so much money it drowns out any voice of reason with their own special spin of propaganda.

All the rich have to do is keep feeding their favorite pony in the house their daily carrot and said pony will continue to crap all over the grounds.
seriously, when will someone build a class-action against this to rule it unconstitutional? why aren't we building a case now? let's propose a trillion dollar suit, to be paid out of defense funding, or maybe an actual tax on all companies that supported this?
So there is still zero requirement to encrypt or in any way protect confidential data like scans of driving licenses, addresses, DOBs, invoice data, credit card numbers in application databases, no need to have multi-factor auth, no standard on data segregation... Not cool.

This I believe is the biggest issue. To truly begin protecting a country against data theft, you need to set minimum mandatory safety precautions. It is not hard or pricy to implement, it is not that hard to audit or enforce.

It would make it harder for anyone to hack in, including Pentagon, which I guess is what is the core of the problem.
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