[SOLVED] USB hub disconnects for milliseconds

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Aug 19, 2021
I have a very weird problem. My PC works all fine and dandy and then suddenly my USB hub disconnects for a split second and reconnects. This happens sometimes when my air conditioner starts up or shuts down, sometimes just randomly. The issue is that when this happens, I have to unplug everything and plug it back in again which can often lead to my death if I'm gaming.
What I've tried:
  • Swapped 3 USB hubs (cheap ones, tried both powered and unpowered)
  • Bought a UPS ~1200W
  • Changed which power socket my PC connects to, in multiple rooms of my apartment
  • Windows power mode thing is already on high performance
  • Through device manager, I turned off 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
  • I've checked several PSU calculators and spoke with a few people who know more than I do, and was told my PSU should be able to handle what I have quite easily
Nothing has worked. This only affects my USB hub while my motherboard's USBs keep working fine. I do have a free slot for a USB 3.0 PCI addition (and I have a card handy) but it's currently blocked by the massive brick that is my GPU's radiator + fans.
My specs:
  • RTX 3070
  • i7 8700K
  • 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • Gigabyte Z370M DS3H Mobo
  • PSU Raidmax RX-800AE Cobra, 800W ~2 years old
  • Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1165
  • BIOS version F3 (unsure if this is correct, used wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion in command prompt)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Does the problem only occur while gaming? Or do the disconnects occur while doing light work, online browsing, etc.?


"my PSU should be able to handle what I have quite easily."

Hopefully true but with the PSU two years old and apparently used for heavy gaming the PSU may no longer always be able to do as it should. Especially when peak power is demanded.

Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer for any errors, warnings, or even informational events that precede or correspond with USB shutdowns.

= = = =

Power down, unplug, open the case.

Clean out dust and debris.

Verify by sight and feel that all connections, cards, RAM, and jumpers are fully and firmly in place.

Look for any signs of damage: bare conductor showing, melted insulation, browned or blackened components.

More or less a matter of elimination.

At some point the only way to know will be to swap in a known working PSU as a test.
It happens all the time. Doesn't seem to matter if I'm gaming, browsing, or the PC is completely idle. I checked the Reliability History and found nothing :C
I've bought yet another hub which, while not totally generic and brandless, is still just Hama (found nothing better, everything is type C nowadays, I guess). I'll also give my PC a good scrub.
If this doesn't help I guess I'll have to grab a new PSU. Wouldn't turn down any suggestions for a good modular one.
It's been a few days now with no hub resets. What I did was get a new hub, as mentioned, but I also changed the power socket again. I'll try to figure out which one fixed it and report back so others with this issue can see.

Might not need a PSU change after all.
If the problem returns I have had similar caused by 2 different things. Once was resolved with a BIOS update on my MSI B450 Tomahawk Max.

The other was weird, I realised after much head scratching that it was my Apple Watch.
Now my watch is the version with a mobile connection, not sure if that would have made a difference. Anyway every time I got a notification on my watch everything connected to a usb hub would disconnect/reconnect. I can only assume my keyboard was picking up interference when close to my watch during typing/gaming. A change of hub fixed this one.
So I changed my power socket again and the hub still doesn't reset. I think the issue was that the hub was a very cheap and generic one.
TL;DR if anyone has this issue and is using a cheap hub, buy a better one. It worked for me.
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