I have a very weird problem. My PC works all fine and dandy and then suddenly my USB hub disconnects for a split second and reconnects. This happens sometimes when my air conditioner starts up or shuts down, sometimes just randomly. The issue is that when this happens, I have to unplug everything and plug it back in again which can often lead to my death if I'm gaming.
What I've tried:
My specs:
What I've tried:
- Swapped 3 USB hubs (cheap ones, tried both powered and unpowered)
- Bought a UPS ~1200W
- Changed which power socket my PC connects to, in multiple rooms of my apartment
- Windows power mode thing is already on high performance
- Through device manager, I turned off 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
- I've checked several PSU calculators and spoke with a few people who know more than I do, and was told my PSU should be able to handle what I have quite easily
My specs:
- RTX 3070
- i7 8700K
- Gigabyte Z370M DS3H Mobo
- PSU Raidmax RX-800AE Cobra, 800W ~2 years old
- Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1165
- BIOS version F3 (unsure if this is correct, used wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion in command prompt)
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