USBs won't fit in new laptop

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Sep 2, 2015
Hi, I bought a new Lenovo Flex 5 laptop a couple days ago, and it comes with 2 USB 3.0 ports and a Type C port. I have lots of USB 2.0 flash drives which have stuff from my old computer, and I tried putting them into the USB 3.0 ports, but they just won't fit. And yes, I've tried flipping them too. The USB ports seem like they're a little pushed inside, but when I insert something in them, it reaches the ports, but doesn't go any farther. I have checked all over the internet too see if USB 2.0 devices work with 3.0 ports and it says they do. Help please
USB 2.0 is the same physical size/shape as the 3.0. So if it isn't accepting them, then either the drives aren't USB or the ports aren't. If this is that new of a laptop, and the ports aren't functioning correctly, you need to return it and have them give you one that isn't damaged.
I know this is an old thread, but I've had the same issue - or thought I did - with my new G3 laptop. The ss (USB 3.0) ports didn't seem to fit my USB 2.0 connectors, but apparently they're just difficult to get in. I had to hold the connector to the top of the port as I pushed it in, as if the 3.0 port was a bit too big.
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