Useful SSD Articles - Part 2


Last Updated on April 23, 2013

A look at the NAND itself. How an SSD works at the lowest levels:

Write caching, wear levelling and the importance of partition alignment:

A broad overview of everything SSD (including TRIM):

Tweaks / Optimization

Storage Review

The SSD Review - An SSD Primer

Tom's Hardware Articles

Original thread created by Randomizer: Useful SSD Articles
Don't use the guide for changing default folder locations, I use this all the time for multi hdd/partitions.

1. Once setup and at the desktop, don't bother doing any customisation, but start up Computer Management via Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools.

2. Local Users And Groups\Users, select Administrator and enable the account.

3. Reboot.

4. Logon as Administrator, no password, go into normal User Account management and delete the account created during setup and any and all files.

5. Startup Regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

6. Change the ProfilesDirectory from %SystemDrive%\Users to for example D:\Users.

7. Close down regedit and reboot.

8. Logon as Administrator and create a user account with admin privileges.

9. Logoff and logon using new account and let system create profile, which is now on your D: drive which of course now the default location for all your personal files.

10. Start up Computer Management via Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools.

11. Local Users And Groups\Users, select Administrator and disable the account. Leaving this enabled is a big security risk !!!



Jul 4, 2011
I have seen these words the other day~~~

Based on the information Anand has given in his articles about Intel's technology, Diskeeper's "whitepaper" sounds like crap advertising by a company who's afraid their technology might be considered not only useless but detrimental to use with SSDs.

I'm inclined to agree since Diskeeper's own results show a 4x write loss by just *one* "optimization" while Anand's article clearly suggests that the proper design (which he says Intel has accomplished) eliminates the need for Diskeeper's service.


Jul 4, 2011
Things like automatic drive defragmentation with Vista does nothing for SSDs except to slow them down.

Properly optimized, even low cost 2007 generation SSDs test out as equivalent to a 7200 rpm consumer grade drive, and typical SSDs made in 2008 or later tend to outperform mechanical hard drives.

The tests done here have done nothing to "tweak" the OS to remove design hindrances to SSD performance, and thus, have no validity or technical merit.


Jun 27, 2011
What's the current state of Raid0 and trim? I'm thinking of saving a little bit of money by buying two SATA II drives and putting them in RAID, but I don't want to lose trim support.


Currently, TRIM is still not supported by RAID between two SSD. It is supported with 1 - SSD (non-RAID) & 2 - HDD's in RAID. There is talk that Intel is working on a updated RST to give TRIM support in RAID. Until than, you would have to rely on the firmware's Garbage Collection to do the job.


Jun 27, 2011
Is there a non sponsored site that keeps track of failure rates i.e. a Consumer Reports type deal? I'm currently in the market for an SSD, and one of my concerns are the failure rates on these things. I can look at benchmarks and product details, and of course there's no guarantee that any product will work right out of the box, but wading through the drives that are least likely to give issues is like a minefield.

I understand that consumers may be partially to blame by not doing simple things like RTFM, but not all of the problems are with tech novices. What companies/drivers should I be looking at that are least likely to give me problems?


Jun 27, 2011
I know that this is a difficult question to answer, but when I see a lot of people complaining on vendor sites, and at manufacturer forums how much of that should I disregard?

Is it truly just people who don't know how to RTFM/ don't know that there's more to these than mechanical drives, or are there vendors and drivers that I need to avoid? A lot of the complaints seem to be against the newer Sandforce drivers, and that article looks like it's taking data from >13 months ago. I realize that this is a technology in its relative infancy in the consumer market, but besides pure speed would you suggest anything else to look for?


Sep 30, 2010
Simply one work - Vow & thank q

This Tip : " Solid State Drive (SSD) Tweaks for Windows 7" has answered my question i posted a week ago on this form -

My SSD OCZ Vertex 2 - windows rating (WEI) was dropped from 7.4 to 5.9. all of sudden my disk tranfer rate was 5.9, i mean WTF - i din know what happened. tried to check everthing from scrath and its not working - following some tips there and i re ran my test and is back to 7.4 again ---

Thanks u TOM - ur the best


Apr 5, 2011
I have two link about SSD.
Difference between HDD and SDD :
Imation SSD available:


Oct 13, 2011

Brilliant guide!!! Been looking for something simpler than the Win 7 method and this seems to be that something. Win 7 doesn't allow the original Admin account to be deleted so I had to create a second Admin with a different name then log in to that acccount and delete the original Admin account. Thanks :)


May 23, 2008

the SSD and the HDD are not even related (except the i/o port (SATA III and AHCI/IDE)

one is rotating memory. (imagine the head moving from track 0 to track max to access the swap file , slowly.....100 times more so.)

the SSD is a EEPROM FLASH memory , made up of 960gig , Floating gate, EEPROM Flash transistors. (120GB SSD) the gates are charged or uncharged.
reading the gates on Flash transistors has always been fast, but discharging them ,, in the early days , causes damage, the first EEPROM only lasted 100 writes and died.

Windows prior to Vista and W7 do not protect the SSD at all. so dont run XP. (sure it runs, but dont run RIGHT !)
But W7 still thrashes the HDD, or things like Antivirus, and csrss.exe(w7) ,etc.

i use this prog to see this effect easy. free. (im sure there are better progs(apps)...)

another great monitor program is famous, security task manager , that shows all processes, not blind like windows, task manager does. (i have a full license)

The OS uses the HDD for many reasons , and some are to over come the horrible slowness of HDD . It is slow... (im on SSD as i type, and FF loads FAST !)
Many of the killer processes are not even windows caused, AV/skype/FreeDNS tracker/Firefox / COMODO ,etc....
Be sure to stop all processes you added to the system to see what windows really does by its lonesome.... do not assume.... (run msconfig)

The What needs to be done in W7, (IMHO) is have an agent that allows me to set up a ram disk in memory that lets windows thrash away there.
I have that now, for the swap page (pagefile.sys) see my sig. url for links to that free software .
Put the internet cache there, and lots of other things, that are not needing permanent storage on SSD. (lots of ways to tune there are, do not give up)

The windows OS , knows the HDD is slow and has , fast load drivers setup and other things (caches) to overcome HDD latencies. (gross it is)
Using a SSD , many of those Ideas, are not valid, and in fact harmful to a SSD. 1,000,000 hits, is the spec. so avoid that. ( do you leave PC on when at sleep?)

I am sure that soon, there will be vast improvement in this area, W8? and will have a wizard to let you decide. ( i can only hope, MS are listening? hah)
Life or convenience? (eg: do you want to store history permanently here... or do you want max SSD life. it asks....)

See the 18 steps for tuning on my page (i just have a link to the best page , not mine, on tuning....)
my page is to cover , how to install SSD, the hard way. (adding easy way soon, besides, boot , install, take nap, run)
a fresh install is easy, childs play if you mobo is not an antique and if it is , i have solution for that . (there are only 2 solutions)

I was a system integrator. and certified ET, and am retired now. If you have questions, ask. I worked Intel for 6 years, testing , yes, memories.


Nov 11, 2010
Just received linkback from this thread at our site and wanted to check it out. Nice work and way to get the SSD word out there!

Les Tokar
The SSD Review


Thanks for the feedback Les...

I just added your new story on "Garbage Collection and TRIM in SSDs Explained – An SSD Primer" today, which would be very useful for readers.