after a desaterous deinstallation of Comodo Firewall (bluescreen!! followed by a windows reinstall) I did reinstall Windows 10 and would like to set the internal windows defender firewall up in a way that it blocks ALL internet access via wifi except Firefox and Thunderbird.
I managed to define a global rule blocking all incoming traffic and another one blocking all outgoing traffic.
Now I'd like to set my two exceptions and the bare minimum windows services they need to work.
I do not want to block each app individually, as I do want to stop all of them (including windows background services talking to Redmond) but a few. Blocking each app individually would take forever.
Which are the bare minimum windows apps/services I'd need to set exceptions for besides thunderbird & firebird exe?
I do NOT want ANY other services or apps (like update services or other) to create traffic when connected to one specific wifi network.
Ideally the rule would not apply when connected to other wifi networks.
I am on a costly wifi connection and do not want a huge phone bill.
After the desaster with Comodo I prefer a solution with Windows 10 Pro (latest release) onboard tools.
Thanks so much, Fran
after a desaterous deinstallation of Comodo Firewall (bluescreen!! followed by a windows reinstall) I did reinstall Windows 10 and would like to set the internal windows defender firewall up in a way that it blocks ALL internet access via wifi except Firefox and Thunderbird.
I managed to define a global rule blocking all incoming traffic and another one blocking all outgoing traffic.
Now I'd like to set my two exceptions and the bare minimum windows services they need to work.
I do not want to block each app individually, as I do want to stop all of them (including windows background services talking to Redmond) but a few. Blocking each app individually would take forever.
Which are the bare minimum windows apps/services I'd need to set exceptions for besides thunderbird & firebird exe?
I do NOT want ANY other services or apps (like update services or other) to create traffic when connected to one specific wifi network.
Ideally the rule would not apply when connected to other wifi networks.
I am on a costly wifi connection and do not want a huge phone bill.
After the desaster with Comodo I prefer a solution with Windows 10 Pro (latest release) onboard tools.
Thanks so much, Fran