UT 2003

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Feb 17, 2001
I’m hardcore and I know many of western Canada’s hardcore players and we like it. I actually know it’s the weapon physics you cant catch onto and that fact you don’t have the money to take this game to the level it needs to be at.

UT2003 takes UT to the level it needs to be I don’t expect some hardware junkies to understand the real game play that’s there. Stick with what you guys are good at and tinker with the hardware leave the games to me.

Oh BTW I saws your clan for CS wanted to scrim let me know if you guys want to dance. Hehe, I am always up for noob slaughter. Peace guys, and please take this as a aggressive negative tone to not be confused with sarcasm... I mean everything to be taken the bad way.


<font color=blue>Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood blue man </font color=blue> :smile:


You are such a loser. What you need is a good kick in the teeth.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Forum Assassin</A></font color=red>


Feb 17, 2001
Haha you have come to my level mwhahaha welcome to the club buddy.


<font color=blue>Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood blue man </font color=blue> :smile:


Nov 21, 2002
I'm not a big fan of the weapons/player models compared to original UT. The minigun is where it's at, at least in terms of cool points.

For it's time UT was much more impressive IMHO. Still, the new one can be bought at a nice price.

:mad: <b><font color=green>"Hulk Smash"</b></font color=green>


Feb 17, 2001
Oh ya I agree UT when it came out was frikkin awsome. But UT2K3 does deliver and refine what made UT great. It is what the scene needed, its loud, fast, and action packed. Everything that made UT what it is today. Some people dont like change which is a pity cause fresh meat is always welcome.


<font color=blue>Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood blue man </font color=blue> :smile:


Jun 4, 2001
don't have the money to take it to the level it needs???
really? how futile.
hardware junkies? i don't know, for a second i was under the impression that this is tom's HARDWARE community non?
not tom's game community.....


Spud, you're easily entertained and distracted by anything that is shiny and moves. We demand more.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Forum Assassin</A></font color=red>


Oct 2, 2001
I had UT3 for about a month, and stop playing it about 3 days after buying it.

Just by playing the demo, I was holding UT3 in the store wondering if I should get it, because I had doubts, and UT3 shouldn't even be questionable. But hay, I'm a UT fan so what choice did I have, but to get it. Frankly, I was surprise it came out so quickly after the demo, because the demo was far from impressive. I was thinking they were going to have to go back to the drawing board and make some changes, at least I thought there would have been a big partition where everybody got together and threaten not to buy the game, until some changes where made, maybe that's why it got rushed out, before people had a chance to say anything.

How can you improve on a game like UT, I mean they done a great job with it, it's close to perfect. If you ask me the only improvement they can make to improve it would to make more boards. Hmm, people already do this, they keep it interesting while maintaining what is so great about UT.

Well, they simple can't just add some new boards and call it UT3, but I wish that's what they would have done. I think UT3 would be much better, if it had the old guns and game play. I haven't played UT3 in a while, but what I remember it was just a bunch of kayos. I just hope in time they will be able to do something with the game to get it back to the way it once was, if that is possible.

Hey Baby, want to play with my computer?


Oct 2, 2001
I have to wonder what spud and other's find so interesting in the game. If it wasn't for this thread I might forget that I even have the game. So out of curiosity I played six death match games last night. I really found no excitement in it. It was like playing in a room of smoke where I could barely see the bots. Hack! there were times I couldn't even tell if I killed the bot or not, I'd run to the next bot, then realized I didn't finishing killing the first one. Not to mention most of the time I didn't even know who killed me.

Hey Baby, want to play with my computer?


If you know about the origial UT community, there were about an estimated 5000 user-created maps available for download (i think at naliplanet.com or something). UT 2003's expandibility will allow hundreds of new maps, mods, and someone will figure out how to make Assault-style maps. As for comments on UT's complexity, games like UT2003 aren't meant to be extremely complex, but FUN! The kind of game that can appeal to casual and hardcore gamers.
I do think this new UT isn't as good as the original but it's the only new FPS w/ good multiplayer support. If you want a better game with more style get No One Lives Forever 2!!! Best single palyer game I've seen in a long time!!!

By the way, stop hatin' on Spud! He's got his own opinion, hiding behind your annonymous screen name to insult someone is the most retarted thing i've seen and I post in these forums thinking I wouldn't see it!!!!!!!!!
Most people live at the speed of life, I drink Mountain Dew!


Feb 17, 2001
Ha-ha I deserve it, I purposely choose my words for the most negative responses. It's no where near the level of say AMDMeltdown. But hey I try, but you better watch out dumb head dh is a self proclaimed forum cop. He might rat your opinioned ass to the web admin Fredie in hopes of banning you because he has the inability to deal will confrontation and understand the idea behind constructive criticism. But hey he’s a edjamacated man he knows all and probably sees all too.


<font color=blue>Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood blue man </font color=blue> :smile:


Jun 26, 2002
I have played original UT for 10 minutes. Nothing to do, just kill everybody for no reason. I hate these type of games. Isn't UT2003 gameplay similar to original UT?

Let us know <A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com/community/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=25703#25703" target="_new"> What File compression format you use? </A>


This is like the Sopranos man! I gotta watch what I say or I'll get whacked by a forum police thug.
Spud, pissing people off can be fun for you, but it only starts these gay forum wars so try to limit yourself =)

By the way spitfire: Yeah it's pretty much the same format but with updated graphics. You either love it or hate it.

Most people live at the speed of life, I drink Mountain Dew!


Please note your constructive criticism. All you've done is speak on behalf of all UT fans, which is completely stupid, and declare all of us a bunch of morons who can't grasp the physics or don't have enough money to take this game to a higher level. You're so hardcore!!

Stick it in your pipe and smoke it hardcore spud. That's just what the scene needs....

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Forum Assassin</A></font color=red>


Feb 17, 2001
Nope I stated you are hardware junkies and you wouldnt know a good game if it smacked you in the face. I on the other hand would and do. I also know what some of you guys got for rigs and it wount suffice to play the game at the way it was meant to be played at.

Take it anyway you like DH but your not a hardcore gamer, dont pretend your something your not. Stick to higher edjamacation you might be running the USA one day bud.


<font color=blue>Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood blue man </font color=blue> :smile: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by spud on 11/23/02 06:17 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Oct 10, 2002
I'm not a UT player myself, but based on the comments her I'd say that someone will probably try and do a classic UT mod for 2003 or something like that...


Yeah, the mod-making community for UT has been very creative in the past. Games like Jedi Knight 2, UT2003, and Neverwinter Nights have great Creator Tools. So if you have beefs with UT2003, look around for a site with mods and extras that might better suit your tastes.

Most people live at the speed of life, I drink Mountain Dew!


yeah, they made a new version of that and the immensly popular Lava Giant CTF level.

Most people live at the speed of life, I drink Mountain Dew!