Ultimately, Steam Box will be an utter failure...just like Chromebook was a failure. An "open source" operating system sounds exciting and supposedly promises so many things. LINUX is very powerful, I will admit that. However, it takes much more than just having a no cost powerful OS to drive things. Ultimately, a company needs to provide 100% reliable support. 3rd party driver updates are also always an issue. Less than 1% of all PC gamers use LINUX, so no, Steam Box is not the answer - even as a dedicated gaming console. I would like to see Steam eat their shoe; go ahead STEAM - drop PC and support only LINUX gaming systems and we'll see just how long your company survives when you lose 99% of your profit overnight... That's right. It isn't going to happen. Steam will suck it up and continue to do what they have been doing, and have been doing very well - providing an excellent and reliable WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM GAMING PLATFORM. Nuff said!