Valve CEO Game Newell Teases Linux Steam Boxes

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Basically your describing every console OS thats already out there, the only exception being that the Steam distro, which is basically what MS already tried to do with the Xbone. I don't really see this steambox being on par with the other consoles price wise either, they'll want to put in hardware that will appeal to PC gamers, which will be expensive. Console gamers have already spoken out against the very steam-like DRM that was going to be on the Xbone, so they probably won't go for it, not to mention that it looks like its going to be released in a year or 2, right after the next gen consoles are already out there. Like I said, I just don't see it.

Now, if your talking a Steam OS that I could use to dual boot my system solely to play games on, well, that might be something, but personally, I don't care for the Steam software, I have had tons of issues with it freezing up, dropping connections, the voice system is a little wonky, so I don't have a lot of confidence in Valve building something like that.

You have *no* idea how many avid Steam users I know that were vehemently opposed to the always on/DRM policies of the XBOX One. Really, it's an issue of popularity more than anything else.
"Gaming is the ONLY thing keeping me tethered to Windows. I would be over the moon to give MS the finger and move towards a more secure, open standard OS. "

Ditto that. As soon as someone comes out with a virtualized gaming GPU ill probably make the switch to linux and just keep a virtualized windows install for old games. Then i can keep windows locked in the dungeon like the gimp.

I just don't get all the hype with the Steam Box deal. It seems like a horrible idea to me. Your probably not going to convert console gamers, and people that game on PC's like gaming on PC's, largely because they spend a good amount of money to do so. I don't see the market for this at all.
The only reason this is exciting to anyone that games and/or uses linux is because it offers people on linux the ability to play high end AAA title games on their crappy (unified installer-less) OS. And it offers people who play all the new games on their crappy windows box the glimmer of hope that they can move to a cheaper OS (i.e. free) that doesnt crash every ten minutes and still be able to enjoy themselves.

I swear if I was a better programmer Id program a unified installer for linux and turn it into a less polished more stable version of windows. Because lets be honest thats the biggest difference between windows and linux (other than the price and unix kernel of course)... even a computer illiterate 80 year old can install something on windows but you need a masters in computer science to install something on linux. Hell you need to be able to compile your own program to install a video card driver on linux. Who the hell wants to do that? If linux had a unified installer that worked on all distros then tada more people would use it. But linux seems to love being a "geeks only" OS but then when there are no games for it and you basically get everything you need for productivity and entertainment with the install of the OS once you install it theres nothing else you can do but type some spreadsheets or browse the web. Thats why everyone on linux gets all moist when someone says they might enable them to play high end games... because that means they wont be completely irrelevant anymore!

Clearly either you've never used Linux or you haven't tried it in the last 3 years.

In Ubuntu, graphics drivers are as easy as selecting the ones you need from a list in the update app and pressing install. Installing apps is as easy as going to the software center, picking out what you want, and pressing install. In fact, it's actually easier because everything is located in one place. I typically don't respond to troll posts, but here it was necessary to correct a good deal of misinformation.

John - how so? I'm curious to know how a world using a variety of scattered Linux distros in place of a Windows near-monopoly would be better. Not even a sarcastic question, I'm honestly curious. Most I've done is fiddle around with Linux a bit and it didn't jump out at me, so I'm genuinely curious as to how a host of Linux distros would be better for the computing world than a largely unified Windows.

My suspicion is that there would be a host of perks and complications involved, but the views of a more focused Linux user would be interesting to hear.
If it does come out, who will buy it? Who is it for? IF you want something to game on that you can upgrade, well you have a PC. Plus and play? New consoles have that market. Small box for a low price? Even if it's better than the Ouya, I won't want to play it. It'll have to be comparable in power to the new consoles at least, which I can't see happening. If it has exclusive games, like HL3, well then I don't see many people spending a few hundred on what is essentially another console for a few games.

As I see it, here are some benefits from Linux over Windows

1. Lower system requirements. This means that developing countries can use very old hardware for much longer. I just looked it up, and Ubuntu needs roughly half of the hardware Windows 7 needs.
2. FREE. Not much to explain here
3. Open-source. Also not much to explain here.
4. If Linux replaced Windows, then it would be about as unified as Windows. There are many different types of Linux, and it's the same with Windows. (Windows 3.1-8) Not to mention the 3 different versions of the past few Windows OS releases.

I should also mention that no, I do not use Linux on my current computer. Why? cuz i need muh games. GABE GET THIS DONE. I just noticed the title says "Game newell"
I don't think the world would be better with a Linux monopoly, but I do think it would be better to have a multitude of different OS to choose from. We've seen what a little competition has done to Microsoft. Instead of charging absolutely stupid prices for Office they are now including it in a lot of OEM units. In response to Google's cloud setup, they have created a completely online version of office through Skydrive. Updates to the foundations of Windows once a year? Unheard of.

In fact, I really like the way this is starting to work out with a three way battle between Apple, MS, and Google. Innovation has never been greater than it is right now in the tech world. In fact, I hope Windows Phone can gain some more traction in the smartphone market. It's one of the few things MS has gotten right lately. Need more players there.

The sheer number of products and services to choose from means a big win for the consumer. Another platform to game on would be all the better as well.
Honestly I don't mind Windows OSes, but if I was able to save 100+ bucks every time I was to reccomend somebody a gaming machine (or put it into a beefier video card) I'd be a happy camper.
Still excited to see this actually surface, but it may depend upon how modular Steam Boxes* actually are, otherwise I may still wait and build a good small form factor PC for future upgradability.

*They may refer to them as Steam Boxes but I much prefer calling them Steam Engines, and I will be wearing a boiler suit and adding a funnel to mine for precisely this reason.
I just recently wiped ubuntu off my PC. It does not feel very optimized at all. I am sorry but there are games out there that runs better on Windows than on Linux. I have witness this first hand. All the work i spent tweaking and customizing was all for nothing. Heck even youtube videos causes hiccups for no apparent reason. And don't even get me started on Netflix on Linux. Yes i got that working too but performance and experience was crap. Did not even have the check HD option. I am sorry but If windows 8 was the cause of Gabe's tantrum calling Windows 8 "a catastrophe for the PC space" this is just sad. But if its Valve thinking ahead and to bring more competition to the market. I hope this succeeds. I will not however going to sacrifice performance that i have seen with Windows 8 because of Gabe's tantrum moments. Nope I used ubuntu for 4 days, tweaked it even got to Netflix to work and still was all for nothing. Now i am back to Win 7 and is awaiting for windows 8.1 and calling it a day. The-end.

What hardware and version of Ubuntu? What did you use to get Netflix working?
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