@clonazepam to be fair with dragons dogma, those screenshots are likely all from in game, just with a developer's tools to change the camera angle. Im perfectly ok with them making a screenshot more dynamic so long as they don't outright lie about what the game looks like.
@badaxe2 it honestly depends entirely on the kind of game or style they are going for, take grim dawns opening.
you could make it all in engine, but i don't mind these kind of pre rendered. but as we move closer and closer to 4k, i really want in engine cutscenes, as they SO don't require massive space for the video.
@chicofehr just an example http://steamcommunity.com/app/219990/screenshots/
I make arguments against steam curation based on I want to buy some bad games every now and then, but I would never buy them from from a shady dev website that looks like a scam. they could make user screenshots a thing right below the dev curated ones. I mean look at some of the grim dawn ones, I would never take deve curation away because what if some people wanted to troll the game and post them doing horribly in the game on purpose, or made the game look like the biggest menu simulator possible, with grim dawn at some point your items can litterally take up an entire screen with text about what it does and stats, then compare it to an item that does the same thing, and that item can go in 2 slots so now there is a third item layered in there too.
@tingRe they already do, you get a blanket refund if the game is less then 14 days old or less then 2 hours played. If you went longer, someone reviews the refund request.
@old_newbie this is more of koie tecmo is a horrible developer/publisher then a normal problem for everyone else.