Valve Launches Steam Daily Wishlist Games Giveaway

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This is why I love steam. You'd think there awesome seasonal deals are enough, but then they just give away like mad dogs, lol. I mean 10 people get 10 games a day?? I made my list today and skyrim and rage are at the top, along with that upcoming shogun 2 expansion :)
Ya i had to update my list
Call of Duty Black Ops
Deus EX: HR
Dead Island
Anno 2070
Fable 3
Saints Row the Third
Serious Sam 3
Assassins Creed Revelations
Fear 3

Hope i win one of these days.... hear that STEAM
My Wishlist:
1. The witcher 2
2. Silent Hunter 5
3. Cities XL 2012
4. Assasins Creed Revelations
5. Tropico 4
6. L.A. Noire: The complete edition
7. Fractal
8. Anno 2070
10. Waves

Sure the list isn't exactly filled with all of those brand new awesome games out there, but that's because I already have those new awesome games. :)
This is just a list of games I find interesting.
[citation][nom]sparky2010[/nom]So if Steam is so good, WHY did EA put Battlefield 3 in Origin.. why did they make Origin at all??!?[/citation]
A dodgy attempt to kick-start their own online store by making one of the most hotly anticipated titles an EA exclusive
I won't work of course and EA will fold an allow it as a Steam title when then want the extra revenue
Steam is kinda fail IMO. 1, you can't load games on two different drives. I have a SSD and would like to install some games on that, and others on my HD. 2, If EA released Battlefield 3 on Steam, and you bought the game on Steam, you'd have to pay steam for the updates too. All steam needed to do was allow EA to sell the add-on's eventhough a customer bought the game from steam. Steam said NO! EA said piss off. 3, Steam is a private company. The average Joe can't buy stock in Valve. Valve doesn't want to share their profits. EA pays thousands and thousands of share holders, spreading the wealth. 4, Steam supports Apple. 5, Steam has gotten better, but i use to hate waiting for map packs to be released on steam. nothing better then watching my friend play the new Zombi Nazi's while i read Steam Fourms, begging for them to release the steam update.

Steam is ... Average at best.
[citation][nom]therealfly[/nom]Steam is kinda fail IMO. 1, you can't load games on two different drives. I have a SSD and would like to install some games on that, and others on my HD. 2, If EA released Battlefield 3 on Steam, and you bought the game on Steam, you'd have to pay steam for the updates too. All steam needed to do was allow EA to sell the add-on's eventhough a customer bought the game from steam. Steam said NO! EA said piss off. 3, Steam is a private company. The average Joe can't buy stock in Valve. Valve doesn't want to share their profits. EA pays thousands and thousands of share holders, spreading the wealth. 4, Steam supports Apple. 5, Steam has gotten better, but i use to hate waiting for map packs to be released on steam. nothing better then watching my friend play the new Zombi Nazi's while i read Steam Fourms, begging for them to release the steam update.Steam is ... Average at best.[/citation]

1. There is a free program called Steam Mover, it actually just executes some Windows commands that copy your selected games to your SSD or any other drive, and let Steam think they are still in the same place. Works just fine.

2. You got the story wrong. It was actually Valve that removed Crysis 2 from the store, and the same reason why BF3 isn't on Steam.

3. Also, "Valve doesn't want to share their profits." - what are you talking about ? It's a private company. So, it's ok for EA to not share with Valve the money from the DLC sales, but it's not ok for Valve to keep it's profits ? Steam is a wonderful platform for publishers that have their games on Steam. Why do you think they have hundreds of games available and 49 game publishers as partners ? Doesn't added sales increase the wealth of it's partners ?

4. Steam supports Apple - so what ? How on earth is that a fail ? Does it affect you ? I never owned a Mac nor do I share Apple's philosophy, but it's always good to know Steam supports open standards. This may seems a contradiction, but in order to support the Mac Valve had to update their Source engine to render in OpenGL, given that Mac OS X obviously does not support DirectX.

How on earth is Steam average ? Do you have any other example of a service that does all the things Steam does, with all the great deals and available catalogue ?

Steam may not be perfect, but there isn't a single system yet that is better.
[citation][nom]therealfly[/nom]Steam is kinda fail IMO. 1, you can't load games on two different drives. I have a SSD and would like to install some games on that, and others on my HD. 2, If EA released Battlefield 3 on Steam, and you bought the game on Steam, you'd have to pay steam for the updates too. All steam needed to do was allow EA to sell the add-on's eventhough a customer bought the game from steam. Steam said NO! EA said piss off. 3, Steam is a private company. The average Joe can't buy stock in Valve. Valve doesn't want to share their profits. EA pays thousands and thousands of share holders, spreading the wealth. 4, Steam supports Apple. 5, Steam has gotten better, but i use to hate waiting for map packs to be released on steam. nothing better then watching my friend play the new Zombi Nazi's while i read Steam Fourms, begging for them to release the steam update.Steam is ... Average at best.[/citation]

Check out

It's a steam tool that moves games back and forth to the requested location (be it a different drive or folder) by changing drive references through command prompts. It works with NTFS only. I've used it for BF3 and Skyrim, they work and run great.
[citation][nom]phasmantis[/nom]Check out's a steam tool that moves games back and forth to the requested location (be it a different drive or folder) by changing drive references through command prompts. It works with NTFS only. I've used it for BF3 and Skyrim, they work and run great.[/citation]
BC2* not BF3...
[citation][nom]phasmantis[/nom]Check out's a steam tool that moves games back and forth to the requested location (be it a different drive or folder) by changing drive references through command prompts. It works with NTFS only. I've used it for BF3 and Skyrim, they work and run great.[/citation]

Or just use the mklink command yourself.
[citation][nom]hoof_hearted[/nom]Or just use the mklink command yourself.[/citation]

Or just provide a tool so you don't have to explain the command to someone who's not so technically inclined. Also; much faster.
I got mine in. At the moment I've just got ten. Its pretty much bedtime for me so I just picked 10 I've been eying. I will eventually put 10 games I really want though I know some are in there like worms reloaded and CS:S.

Long live Steam, love you guys.
I do enjoy the sales (especially the Autumn and holiday sales). You can score some great games often 50-75% off. The only real problem I have with steam is that I can't play more than one game on my account at once (unless I mess around with offline mode), I have 10 games on my account, if one of my family members wants to play a game at the same time as I do then we should be able to do that.
[citation][nom]phasmantis[/nom]Or just provide a tool so you don't have to explain the command to someone who's not so technically inclined. Also; much faster.[/citation]

Yeah and get nagged for money by someone's hooptie crapware that just overlays a GUI over the existing OS commands.
Steam is the sole reason I stopped pirating games. I haven't played a pirated game in years, there's no point when you can buy it for $10 or less in a Steam sale. I've even bought games I already owned on physical media on Steam just because it's so much more convenient. And it was cheaper to buy the Borderlands GOTY 4-pack on sale than it would have been to buy the non-Steam expansions for just my son.
[citation][nom]hoof_hearted[/nom]Yeah and get nagged for money by someone's hooptie crapware that just overlays a GUI over the existing OS commands.[/citation]

Nagged for money... right, I think you're being paranoid. Sorry, the convenience of a GUI is nice for certain things, especially since it will find your steam games and let you easily go back and forth without having to manually type out commands.
originally didn't like steam when it first was released, "you couldn't play CS without it", because there were hardly any benefits of using it. Now steam is huge and those deals they offer all the time and are just gaining more ground with this new move has made me a reoccurring costumer.

Okay fine, let's do it the old way then.

Want to move your steam games? Then use the following command;

mklink /J "C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\[Game Folder]" "[Drive Letter of desintation drive]:\[Path]\[Path]\Game Folder]"

The items with the [brackets] act as a place holder for your game of choice, destination drive letter, and selected paths where you may have nested your destination location for your steam game. Don't forget the quotes for the paths.

Say you want to move Rage to your X:\ drive in a path called "Games;"

You would type the following command: mklink /J "C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\Rage" "X:\GameSSD\Rage"

Note that this assumes you have Steam installed in C:\program files\steam

--Happy now? Have you type a paragraph to make sure they understand it... or they can just use a simple program a nice steam user made to help people who have a hard time grasping command prompts, or are uncomfortable using them for certain things.
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