Valve Offering Lionsgate Feature Films Through Steam

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Cool but should the CSGO community boycott Valve over them killing the community servers? No skin drops and no XP but on valve servers are killing the community servers. If this is the only way valve can protect itself again hackers and exploits then maybe remove it all. The damage its doing to the faithful community isn't worth the cost.
Seems like desperation on Lionsgate's part. Having to stoop so low as this, selling movie rentals on a platform meant for video games? Ouch.

I've read stories from movie theaters about how Lionsgate is about the worst to deal with, so good luck to Valve.
I was just browsing the steam store today to look up a game I heard about and I see a big ad plastered on the top about watching lionsgate films.

I said to myself "Who the f- is gonna do that? I came to steam to play games not watch movies. (Insert commentary about how games are just becoming less interactive and more movie like due to hollywood's influence on studios here)"

Only reason I could imagine them doing this is because of SteamVR/Vive and the movie theater app thing. But i imagine that was already working with movies not already on steam so... why?

It has to be desperation imho. Check Lionsgate stock history over the last 3 months, or even 5 years to see they'd hit a real slump and will resort to any means to crawl back up. They've managed to erase about 3 years of steady growth in a short time. It's tough to say if they'll get back on track with this and other pursuits.
Cool but should the CSGO community boycott Valve over them killing the community servers? No skin drops and no XP but on valve servers are killing the community servers. If this is the only way valve can protect itself again hackers and exploits then maybe remove it all. The damage its doing to the faithful community isn't worth the cost.

You're post is completely off topic. Besides the point, your comment is totally loaded. No game dev wants to kill off their community. It's obvious that steam knows this or they wouldn't have community skins or the steam workshop. You should be petitioning valve, not throwing charged words around a forum unaffiliated with the game.


Apr 20, 2010
I said to myself "Who the f- is gonna do that? I came to steam to play games not watch movies. (Insert commentary about how games are just becoming less interactive and more movie like due to hollywood's influence on studios here)"

Only reason I could imagine them doing this is because of SteamVR/Vive and the movie theater app thing. But i imagine that was already working with movies not already on steam so... why?

I think its the natural evolution of things, If Valve think they can make more money and potentially grow their user base then they'll give it a go. Anyone remember when Amazon simply sold books?


Apr 5, 2009
When Steam first came out a ton of gamers complained about it because they already had WoN. When Steam started selling games from other companies (rather than just update Valve games) gamers complained. When Steam started selling other things on Steam instead of just games gamers complained. When Steam added big picture mode gamers complained. When Steam added hardware sales gamers complained. The funny thing though...the only real constant here was Steam continued to grow in terms of customers, capabilities, and market reach despite all the complaints. Gamers kept complaining and Steam kept growing. The thing gamers have yet to realize is Valve has always catered to their number one fan just so happens that fan base are themselves. Everything Steam is goes back to a philosophy about Valve itself...that they make and support things they like first and foremost themselves. Sure they've made mistakes...but those pale in consideration to their successes.

If Valve can get more distributors on their platform the better. And ironies of ironies...all these gamers will complain away all the while watching Ms Everdeen do her thing...
Cool but should the CSGO community boycott Valve over them killing the community servers? No skin drops and no XP but on valve servers are killing the community servers. If this is the only way valve can protect itself again hackers and exploits then maybe remove it all. The damage its doing to the faithful community isn't worth the cost.

You're post is completely off topic. Besides the point, your comment is totally loaded. No game dev wants to kill off their community. It's obvious that steam knows this or they wouldn't have community skins or the steam workshop. You should be petitioning valve, not throwing charged words around a forum unaffiliated with the game.
The article is about valve, steam, advertising, and mentions games so my statement isnt totally off topic. Now about killing off the community just ask the tf2 community what valves changes has done. Better yet just do a search. Now on CSGO for the first time steam had to pick a re-release map for a map pack. This is due to community maps have lost a lot of good community servers to test on and its getting worse.

I am pretty sure people said the same thing about RedBox, who will still rent a DVD/Blu-Ray after Blockbuster and Hollywood Video just went out of business thanks to NetFlix, Hulu and other streaming services. Well guess what, RebBox still does very well.

I am pretty sure that if this does as well as they want they will eventually offer sales and not just rentals and I am pretty sure they will push to other platforms since Steam already has a mobile app and streaming or downloading a movie to that platform is not hard.

Well the Steam forums have become just horrible. I think that is the problem with Steam. It is a double edge sword. While it has united and allowed for much easier access to games for gamers it has also allowed the worst of gamers in.

It is very off topic since this is about Steam offering movies through its DD platform, not games. The mention about games is because that is what it handles normally.


Dec 27, 2007
I think its a good move by Lionsgate, extending their reach.It should be noted however that the ever stupid region locking is in effect and what this story is reporting as hundreds of movies , in my territory however its only 11,the highlight of which are the Leprechaun movies...yah...
Well, its a great move for Steam. Think of how much money is sitting in peoples' steam wallets that Valve has to have sit in limbo, possibly for eternity. Low dollar items will hit the spot for clearing out these balances.
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