Valve Wants to Make Half-Life Movie Themselves

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I would love a Half-Life movie though not sure how it would do seeing mostly gamers will connect the name with the depth of the story and not the average person who goes to the movies on a weekly basis.
No no no! We see enough animation from Valve already. I want to see a real movie from them. A Half-Life movie with someone like Clive Owen would be amazing. The game has a good story line and it would make a great movie.
i have all the TF2 movies saved on my machine. i think they are brilliant and very well done. the writing/scripts are well thought out and the little details they put into them make them that much better. things like the intel room passcode being 1-1-1-1, and its the only dirty button on the pad, or the sniper smile right before he fires his gun, or the noise the chair makes when the HWG moves it.

that said im not sure about a HL2 movie, but valve has showed they have a good writing staff and their animation is pretty good, so im sure they could pull it off, the question is, should they?
As long as they're willing to make it 6 hours per major instalment and 2 hours for every episode. No 90 minute crap. Half Life trilogy, Half Life 2 trilogy, HL2:EP1 single, HL2:EP2 another single movie.
I would pay $20 for every disc. $200 to get them all on Bluray in a collectors edition.

There are too many great novels and the such that became movies hat weren't worth watching.It's not about $100,000,000 budgets, it's about taking your time, getting the appropriate director and actors (not just the most popular, like Tom Cruise and Michael Bay), and staying true to the original script (too many liberties are taken sometimes in the transition, liberties that can ruin it for the die hard fan).
The concept of a Half-Life movie makes me a bit nervous since most video game movies are hideously bad. Although if Valve made it themselves it could be pretty good. Just keep Uwe Boll the hell away from it!!!
IMO if its going to be rendered with the source engine, even if it's cg, it would feel to similar to the half life games themselves to not feel redundent. It would have to have a seperate story. That would be exellent. GlaDos cameo anyone?
Well, I think that's awesome that they decided not to let Hollywood change so many things up (I don't know what you'd call it - "Hollywoodize"?) like it has with so many comicbook, novel, and videogame stories like X-Men, and things of that nature.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there are movies that do end up being good, but for hardcore fans of something, it's not always liked because the story has been changed up so much up for the mainstream and not you, the original audience.
I'd love to see a movie, but it would have to be real, not animated. The only thing is they have to tailor to the likes of all sorts of gamers, who have their own views on each character. I think it'll end up being a split, with only some gamers really appreciating it, especially if they deviate from the story line much.
Now thats, how its done. Don't get some hairbrained hollywodd guy who've never played the game or loved it to make the movie. Make it yourselve valve. Whatever you come up with it will be miles better than what hollywood can dish up with. Lately they seem to make movies in a template... dished with slightly different colors.

You've got the heart for it and thats what counts.
I'd enjoy that, the few videos they did make were entertaining and well done! Animated would be best though, You can add so much more in animations because you're not restricted when it comes to "Action" sequences by the inability of a real human. Mind you, they better start thinking of releasing "Meet the Medic" before releasing a movie.
i would love the Team fortress 2 movies especially exactly like these trailers i loved them Funny and the voices were on par so Valve make a Team Fortress 2 movie instead if they made it and it cost 10+ bucks to go see id pay in a heart beat for that kind of quality
Make the movie or not, for God's sake tell us something about the next half-life game. It has already been 3 years now for crying out loud!
the problem I see with a halflife movie is that you are gordon freeman. you are a silent protagonist who never really says anything. I'm not syaing its impossible to do, butit'd be hard, i mean the only movie i can think of that has pulled off anything similar would be kurt russell in soldier where he might say 30 words but he was a trained soldier vs gordon freeman who was just a scientist who happens to be in a situation calling him (you) to overcome the situation

as a movie tough while i see it possible to make a good movie with the story there isn't a was to make it true to the game since you wouldn't be in it yourself.
A cartoon halflife movie would b a bit disappointing. As a long time fan of the halflife series what I want is a full blown action movie. As for team fortress, a cartoon comedy would be great!
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