Vega 56 now or gta 1060 SC now (wait next year for true 4k card)


Oct 29, 2016
so I wanna game at 4k 60 fps question is

should i see what cards are gonna drop in 2018, and wait for those?


should I buy a cheap RX Vega 56 now, I don't need ultra settings. medium to high is fine for me.

Extra credit: will amd drivers get better with vega? i hear the haven't used all the features of the vega cards yet, thoughts on this?

TLDR: should i wait for a cheap 4k 60 fps in the future (gtx 1060 for now) or go with a RX 56 Vega now (maybe even BIOS flash it) lol?

thanks, please help me figure this out.
if you want to game at 4K resolution and 60 fps then you may still need a dedicated 4K monitor that actually gives you 60 Hz refresh rate. Some TVs only produce 24-30 Hz refresh rate and can't do 60. Also to push games at 4K and 30-45 fps on a 4K display you need at least a GTX 1070, 980Ti, or equivalent. If you want to crank at closer to 60 fps at 4K you will need a 1080, 1080Ti, or better.

SLI I cannot recommend because SLI while it is nice isn't well supported currently in many games and it's being pushed less by GPU producers with them pushing off driver support to game developers to optimize for SLI and crossfire support. So buy the best GPU you can with your budget NOW and you can never go wrong.

So depending on the 4K...
1) Never wait for next-gen PC gear to drop next year. Buy now and don't have regrets when better, faster, cheaper comes out next year. No matter what you buy, that is sure to happen. Don't delay your bliss.

2) Never get cheap stuff. You will only get sick of it and buy good stuff later. In engineering we have a saying:
"There is never enough time to do it right, but there always seems to be enough time to do it twice."
Going cheap means you will buy it twice.

3) Consider using 1440p instead of 4K. It looks just as good when gaming and is WAY easier for your PC to render.
At the moment even the best high end PC's and video cards struggle to render 4K @ 60Hz without compromises.

What would you rather have?
a super high res 4K screen that you have to use at medium quality to barely hit 60 FPS (paying for pixels you can't use yet).
a high res 1440p screen with ultra quality and over 60 FPS.

This is essentially my issue i guess.. can't decide. i know a 1060 SC will handle 1440p at 60 fps.. ish. also i own a 4k HDR TV already so that isn't money I have to spend, if you factored that in.
if you want to game at 4K resolution and 60 fps then you may still need a dedicated 4K monitor that actually gives you 60 Hz refresh rate. Some TVs only produce 24-30 Hz refresh rate and can't do 60. Also to push games at 4K and 30-45 fps on a 4K display you need at least a GTX 1070, 980Ti, or equivalent. If you want to crank at closer to 60 fps at 4K you will need a 1080, 1080Ti, or better.

SLI I cannot recommend because SLI while it is nice isn't well supported currently in many games and it's being pushed less by GPU producers with them pushing off driver support to game developers to optimize for SLI and crossfire support. So buy the best GPU you can with your budget NOW and you can never go wrong.

So depending on the 4K experience you want you will need a $300-$800 graphics card, possibly a power supply, and a 4K monitor for you computer (27 in. screen at a minimum) with Freesync or Gsync supported to help smooth out your gaming experience.
Thanks for all the responses everyone, i know this is super old but funny story.

I lost my entire gaming computer and capture card in 2018 😓:tired::tired: was during a move and literally left it our on the streets.

in 2019 i bought a ryzen 2600/gts 2060 build! so 1440p it is for now. oh and usingthe MAG271CQR which is lovely!