Velcro ok for use very near to motherboard components?

May 16, 2018

I have a lovely new Kolink 'Stronghold' case and power supply, however the PSU is non-modular with ketchup-&-mustard-color wires. I don't want / need to go as far as braiding as so few cables will be visible (i.e. 10cm of the 24 and 4-pin ATX power cables, and 2cm of the Audio, Fan and USB cables closest to the motherboard). I currently only use on-board graphics so no cabling for a GPU will be showing.

My question is: is it safe to use custom short-cut lengths of velcro to hide these multi-colored wires, being so close to the motherboard as mentioned above? Is there any danger to the components with a build-up of static electricity? I'd prefer the softer part of velcro to be visible rather than the coarse side also. (Personally I think the velcro doesn't look half bad as it sounds if done neatly enough. The case window is smoked anyway so that will hide much of the detail.)
