Very quick question's ~ About VR

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Sep 26, 2018
I want to ask 2 things.

-This first one is, I want to buy oculus rift on this comming "black friday" for that really nice offer
With a budget of around that 350$ - 380$ Is a good idea? I saw that oculus quest but, the space, all the components on the headset, I see that with too much weight >.<

-And the second one is a simple quesiton about that "vrchat" (as a example). If a crawl on the real life with the standarpackage of oculus rift with the cameras right mounted, I will be something like crawling? I know is not the same as a full body tracking but.. D:

Thanks, and hope you have a great day <3
1) Is a good idea?
If your PC can handle VR, then go for it.
Beyond the $$$, the only consideration is, "Is your PC capable of handling it".
Do you research on min PC specs for Rift.

2) I will be something like crawling?
Your height will be the height of your head.
If you are 5ft tall, then in VR you are 5ft. Do you want to be taller? Then stand on a chair.

If you want to crawl in VRChat, then you would need foot tracking. (see HTC Vive trackers)

Note: I think this is ESL, so hopefully there is no communication breakdown.
-Yes about the pc reqs, is totally enough, I already did the oculus test for example, and is all right.

-About the tracking, you mean If I have oculus and I buy like 2 trackers of htc, can I mix them? I already saw the kinect tracking but, is not too exactly.

And yes, Im from spain if you mean that 😛
>> -About the tracking, you mean If I have oculus and I buy like 2 trackers of htc,

If you wanted to track your legs / feet in VR.. you would need to purchase an HTC Vive and 2 HTC Vive Trackers + Straps.
At this time, I am unaware of any additional tracking tech from Oculus besides the controllers.
So, buy the oculus on the comming black friday is a good idea 😛. That's why I know there is vr headsets with that micro-cameras on their front allow oyu to move the legs and you will be tracked, like the vr quest
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