Question VGA Solid White Light after failed Nvidia driver update

Jul 26, 2024
I did something very dumb.

RMA-ed a 3080ti and took it out of my PC. While waiting, I decided to hook up my old 1070 into my motherboard. By habit, I updated the driver while still having the original 3080ti graphics driver installed. The GeForce Experience software did not enjoy that and I think it broke (black blocks on GeForce Experience interface). I restarted and got a solid white light with a black blank screen.

I reseated the 3080ti and it seemed to boot up fine. I sent it in for an RMA and got a replacement. After slotting the new card in, I was able to boot. I then ran DDU twice before seating the 3080ti. I decided to update drivers through GeForce Experience once again and repeated the broken UI issue. Restarted and now I have a solid white light and unable to boot from the 3080ti.

I've tried booting from the 2nd PCI slot, removing 1 of 2 DDR5 RAM sticks. I tried the powering off/disconnect/reconnect DP method without luck.

ASUS ROG Strix B650E-F Gaming Wifi
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 3080ti XC3
Jul 26, 2024
You mentioned you had a 1070. Can you boot into the OS using that or does that not work either now?
The 1070 is not able to boot properly. Although, I am able to get video output after unplugging the DP from the 1070 and plugging it into my motherboard's DP port.