I'm working on building a small PC case that will fit inside a pelican 1510 case with some foam for travel. I've got the case and all my hardware figured out, but I'm looking for any additional things I can do to help insulate it from the vibrations and bumps of rolling the case around. I have support brackets for the GPU and cooling block, but I'm trying to find some sort of vibration dampening standoffs for the motherboard itself. The foam in the case is likely enough, but every little bit helps.
I'd also take suggestions for any sort of vibration resistance to incorporate into this, not just standoffs. I haven't purchased anything so I'm more than happy to entertain other ideas.
I know that laptops are everyone's favorite answer when presented with the idea of a computer designed for travel, but please humor me.
I'm working on building a small PC case that will fit inside a pelican 1510 case with some foam for travel. I've got the case and all my hardware figured out, but I'm looking for any additional things I can do to help insulate it from the vibrations and bumps of rolling the case around. I have support brackets for the GPU and cooling block, but I'm trying to find some sort of vibration dampening standoffs for the motherboard itself. The foam in the case is likely enough, but every little bit helps.
I'd also take suggestions for any sort of vibration resistance to incorporate into this, not just standoffs. I haven't purchased anything so I'm more than happy to entertain other ideas.
I know that laptops are everyone's favorite answer when presented with the idea of a computer designed for travel, but please humor me.