VIDEO: Samsung's Galaxy Note 2 Shows Up in IFA Trailer

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Aug 25, 2010
Not sure why anyone would be interested in this when the new iPhone will be out in a month. Extremely poor timing by SameSuck. Maybe they are hoping Apple can't meet the no doubt record demand for the new iphone and are hoping to pick up scraps from discouraged customers. No one wants a 6 inch phone unless it's the free flavor of the week on Boost mobile.

Thanks, but no thanks. Try harder next time. Oh, and the reason the specs aren't finalized or announced is because SameSuck needs to wait to see what Apple releases so that it can copy Apple spec for spec (though it will come up short as usual).


Mar 3, 2009
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]Not sure why anyone would be interested in this when the new iPhone will be out in a month.[/citation]
Apple invented the internet, touch screens, gestures, using fingers, mobile phones, TVs, PCs, remember?

Now why on earth would you want superior phone with non-handicapped OS from any other company?


BAHAHAA What a joke! If you think Apple is leading the way in technology you're sadly mistaken...Apple takes things that have already been done, adds a new spin to it and the claims its a revolutionary break through....Apple use to sucker me into its crowd of sheeple and I've invested thousands into their products but in all honesty the only really good thing from Apple is its Mac Line of computers and i would say iPods but i don't know how popular those are anymore...they think by using the same regurgitated hardware two years in a row is revolutionary?! Yeh ok! There are Android devices with 1.6GHz quad core processors and 2 GB of ram that could lap circles around an iPhone 4S...The iPhone is going to be shit without Steve Jobs...and as much as i use to love Apple they are not the ones that are leading the way in innovation or technology...they lost that title years ago. Plus I still have my old iPhone 4 and compared to my note the thing is so tiny that i could never go back to such a small screen, regardless of whatever BS new retina crap they'll try to put in it....Apple is not going to be able to "bury" the competition like it used way in hell. Im still looking foreword to seeing if Apple can actually put out a decent phone this year...maybe...and i do mean maybe, if its "better" than my note or the note 2 i will consider going back to apple. Unlike most people my reason for buying an apple product isn't strictly because "its Apple" they actually need to have a good product(and a better product than what i own) if they want me to buy it.


Mar 5, 2012
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]Oh, and the reason the specs aren't finalized or announced is because SameSuck needs to wait to see what Apple releases so that it can copy Apple spec for spec (though it will come up short as usual).[/citation]
Right, especially when the SoC inside the iphone is made by Samsung... ho sorry, ''SameSuck''...


Aug 25, 2010
[citation][nom]chuckydb[/nom]Right, especially when the SoC inside the iphone is made by Samsung... ho sorry, ''SameSuck''...Idiot...[/citation]

Actually, Apple designs its own chips. Last I checked, the Apple "A" series processors were only available in Apple products. It may be based off of a reference design, but Apple engineers have perfected it to make it the best in the world.

So no, it isn't a SHAMESUCK processor; it's Apple's (far superior) chip.


Nov 27, 2009
I find Samsung's products more interesting than Apple's. I'm planning to either pick up a Galaxy S3 or Note 2 in a couple months. Unless I obtain more patience and wait for the Iphone 5's release. (Not that I'm going to get the Iphone 5, but it will prompt for the new generation Google Nexus to be announced). I originally wanted an Iphone 5, but Apple's Patent Wars has altered my personal perception of the company.


Jul 29, 2010
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]Actually, Apple designs its own chips. Last I checked, the Apple "A" series processors were only available in Apple products. It may be based off of a reference design, but Apple engineers have perfected it to make it the best in the world.So no, it isn't a SHAMESUCK processor; it's Apple's (far superior) chip.[/citation]
He didn't said that Samsung designed the SoCs used in recent iPhones / iPads / iPods. He did say however that the SoC is made by Samsung which is true. If the iPhone will be out in a month then production of it's SoC has already started, so Samsung knows what it's capabilities are.

Also, are you're saying that the only iPhone that doesn't suck is the 4S? The original iPhone, the 3G and 3GS all use Samsung SoCs. Most of the Apple A4 was designed by Samsung and Intrinsity before Apple bought the latter. The SoC in the iPhone 4 is identical to the one on the Galaxy S with the exception of the GPU. The iPhone 4 has a PowerVR SGX 535 while the Samsung Galaxy S has a PowerVR SGX 540.


Aug 25, 2010
[citation][nom]Vladislaus[/nom]The SoC in the iPhone 4 is identical to the one on the Galaxy S with the exception of the GPU. The iPhone 4 has a PowerVR SGX 535 while the Samsung Galaxy S has a PowerVR SGX 540.[/citation]

I'm saying I used the s3, and it felt light and cheap. Samsung cannot figure out how to make a device FEEL like a quality device. It can throw all the specs it wants to, but at the end of the day, it is a phone and needs to be good at doing PHONE tasks, not how fast it can run synthetic open GL benchmarks.

It's the same old argument that's been going on forever. Past 60fps, it doesn't really matter. Cool, you get 300fps in quake; that's 240 more than what matters or is necessary and is just a waste if the software doesn't keep up. Specs and numbers only matter to nerds for bragging rights on theoretical performance. Apple does a much better job at providing a well rounded device, which is why it dramatically outsells any other individual handset.



Jul 29, 2010
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]I'm saying I used the s3, and it felt light and cheap. Samsung cannot figure out how to make a device FEEL like a quality device. It can throw all the specs it wants to, but at the end of the day, it is a phone and needs to be good at doing PHONE tasks, not how fast it can run synthetic open GL benchmarks.It's the same old argument that's been going on forever. Past 60fps, it doesn't really matter. Cool, you get 300fps in quake; that's 240 more than what matters or is necessary and is just a waste if the software doesn't keep up. Specs and numbers only matter to nerds for bragging rights on theoretical performance. Apple does a much better job at providing a well rounded device, which is why it dramatically outsells any other individual handset.[/citation]
I didn't made any kind of comparison between the products of both companies, just pointed out several flaws in your arguments.
People, no reason to keep feeding the Apple troll getreal. And definitely no reason to try and ...reason with it (sic), either; it's "brain" is only tuned to receive Apple's commandments. It is what it is, the fact that people can make their own choices when picking a device drives the troll crazy, that's why it's been trolling every single Samsung-related thread on this forum. Keeps running around in circles from one poster to another in the vain hope it'll find someone to convert; it's actually pretty pathetic, and the posts are more and more illogical as it gets more and more desperate.
Like watching a bad version of "Awakenings" mixed with "Groundhog Day", getreal's "arguments" are the same old ones, over and over again, only to become less and less logical. Pretty sad and pitiful to watch, TBH, like a little kid trying to pick a fight with a bunch of adults that are just ignoring him. The moment one of them actually bothers to reply, the kid gets a breath of oxygen thinking he's finally got it (even though he's not, actually).

Back on topic: the first Note is less than a year old now, AFAIK. I believe Samsung might have some improvements, but I wish they would focus more on joining the next Nexus wave that is not too far behind (I think sometimes November). Between 3 top-notch devices (SGS3, the Tab 10.1 Note and now this Note 2) they might be stretching their resources too thin. Even a powerful hardware company like Samsung could have issues keeping up with the market demand.
It's true, they have not confirmed (yet) their commitment to the next Nexus phone, but they have already created the Nexus S and the Galaxy Nexus, so it's kinda expected of them to keep up the trend. If/when that happens, people will have very high expectations from that Nexus phone, just because Samsung has already raised the bar with the current crop.
TBH, I also hope that other H/W companies, like HTC, Motorola, Sony, even LG, will release their own Nexus phones. The more choices, the better for consumers.

Oh, and I wish they hadn't use that "magical" word at the end of the clip. The word "magical" has been tainted enough by Apple, and lost all it's meaning by now. That being said, it's just a clip, and very good one at that.


Mar 30, 2010
I just switch from Apple iPhone 4 to Samsung galaxy S3. To be honest, none of them is perfect. I like Samsung simply because of its bigger screen; however the S3 is slower and crash more often. Apple has better operating system; it runs smoother and faster. The downside is it has smaller screen. If iPhone 5 has bigger screen like bigger than 4", I will most likely switch back to iPhone.


Aug 25, 2010
[citation][nom]nuvon[/nom]I just switch from Apple iPhone 4 to Samsung galaxy S3. To be honest, none of them is perfect. I like Samsung simply because of its bigger screen; however the S3 is slower and crash more often. Apple has better operating system; it runs smoother and faster. The downside is it has smaller screen. If iPhone 5 has bigger screen like bigger than 4", I will most likely switch back to iPhone.[/citation]

I voted you up for giving an honest opinion. I agree. I thought the s3 looked ok, but I was not impressed, considering it is supposed to be THE android device to beat. I was more impressed with the EVO and feel it has better build quality.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of trolls and Samsuck plants that post here that will vote down educated and unbiased consumers that like choice or have different preferences, so your excellent comment is likely going to fall victim.

I personally will probably get the iPhone 5 just for LTE, though I anticipate it will be the epitome of the "4 style" design, with next year's model having the major redesign.


Aug 16, 2011
getreal: You need to.
Apple may have influence on ARM, but to say they do all the design is simply wrong. Your comment on the SIII doesn't make sense. I have tried both and find the SIII is simply better. The 4S is slow and sad by comparison, while the HMI is simply a matter of taste. Really, try to move beyond rampant fanboyism.
For the record, I own a feature phone, as no smartphone yet has all I want for a reasonable price.


Mar 30, 2010
Now, I never had 4S, so can't comment on it. I asked my friends about their impression with S3, pretty much same as mine, slower and doesn't seem as smart compare to iPhone 4. Whether you believe it or not, it is up to you. I don't work for Apple, and I don't get commission for saying good or bad about their products, same for Samsung. If iPhone 5 has a screen size of just 4", I will stick with S3


This getreal guy is acting like an 8 year old flameboy... And people actually talk with the ah heck..
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