viewing the art format....

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Jun 5, 2013
is this a lost cause for wins 8?i spent some time looking up leads on line and tried 2 apps and they both failed to view the art format: fileviewpro and ACDsee.

art format is associated with aol picture viewer from a while back. i recent tried to view my art files from 15 years back and to surprise couldn;t do it with wins 8 era picture viewing apps.

They used to be openable in IE until a security flaw in relation to .ART files was discovered, after which Microsoft pushed a security update to IE to remove it's ability to open .ART files.

It's a proprietary format which is not supported by most image viewers today, it wasn't wise to leave them in .ART format. You should have converted them to a more popular format in AOL Picture Viewer when you still had that app.

I've been looking round for a graphics app that will open .ART files - - no luck.
Jun 5, 2013

oh bummer.... i understand what you mean. but given how this was like 15 years ago, i didn't track tech development that much back then. lol. it was so long ago and who really has time with the fast pace of things if you can empathize?

ahh..hopefully some imaging app will come in the future that can read this format. :??:

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