Virtualbox screwed up my internet connection?

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May 25, 2015
I installed an android emulator called genymotion, and the program came with virtualbox. After installing it though, i realised my internet connection started to become extremely sluggish, so i quickly uninstalled it.

unfortunately, that didnt fix the problem. I went to and found out that virtualbox had somehow changed my ip server to Hosting Solutions International located at Saint Louis, which is at the opposite side of the earth from where im at. how do i reset my ip server back to my home country?
Check your internet settings. Is it selected as automatically obtain IP and DNS address? If yes, check your browser if it has any proxy settings, and clear that.
If you want to connect back to the internet (and are not using a server, just a router or modem to connect to the internet)

While logged into windows:
open control panel
Network and internet
Network and internet sharing center
On the left pane you will see "change adapter settings", click that
Locate which one of your network adapter says vmware or virtualbox
Right click it, and select disable

Now, open a command prompt (CMD)
and type these in.

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns

Hope it helps.

i tried it, but going to, im still under Hosting Solutions International. im using a modem to connect to the internet. i also tried to reset my router, but that didnt work.

Oh my god, this i it, thanks so much! how can a program can put itself as a system proxy, i have no clue. never trying virtualbox ever again.
Reyaz123 and confuzzleds... I'm experiencing this issue at the moment and this is the first fix I've seen! Could either of you provide guidance on where to find this in Windows 10? I'm in the internet settings but can't seem to find what was mentioned. Thank you!!!
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