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Can somebody kindly explain why on charts the 360 due north pointers on VORs
(which supposedly points to magnetic north) do not align with the nearest
isogonic line (which is also supposedly magnetic north)? I know that the
heading of isogonic lines varies considerably depending upon the area, but
in the San Francisco area for example the difference between the VOR and
isogenic headings are considerable. My problem is that I have read that when
plotting a direct A to B course you draw a line, align the protractor with
the grid lines, then adjust the protractor angle reading with the isogonic
variation. But the result differs from that if you use a parallel ruler
against the nearest VOR. Am I missing out on something obvious here?
Thanks. John
Can somebody kindly explain why on charts the 360 due north pointers on VORs
(which supposedly points to magnetic north) do not align with the nearest
isogonic line (which is also supposedly magnetic north)? I know that the
heading of isogonic lines varies considerably depending upon the area, but
in the San Francisco area for example the difference between the VOR and
isogenic headings are considerable. My problem is that I have read that when
plotting a direct A to B course you draw a line, align the protractor with
the grid lines, then adjust the protractor angle reading with the isogonic
variation. But the result differs from that if you use a parallel ruler
against the nearest VOR. Am I missing out on something obvious here?
Thanks. John