Hey guys. Good info, and thanks for collecting the list. However...
8/24 games are 5 hours long. 6/24 are 12 hrs long. I don't consider that "meat on it's bones", although that is better than a 30 min tech demo I guess.
Of the remaining 10 games, 6 are not a racing sim. Those 6 games are split as platform specific, meaning I can only play them on one of the VR headsets.
There's 2 for the Vive, 1 for the Rift, and 1 for the PSVR. Only 2 games can be played with your choice of headset.
So I can pick a racing sim and 1 or 2 other games, unless I'm buying a Vive, Rift, AND PSVR.
Do you see the problem now? I think, based in part on the above, the argument that there are VERY few games available for VR is still quite valid.