I'm getting a 9600k with Z370-p II and I wanna do moderate overclocking (~5ghz max). I'm no expert in VRM's but I know that the VRM cooling on that mb isn't the greatest and I was thinking of buying some MOSFET heatsinks. Should I get 6 of these (my mb has 9 phases but I think 3 of them aren only used for things like iGPU since they are placed in the upper side of the CPU - am I right?) for about 1.5 dollars each:
Also, I have an old motherboard and I found something that looks like a radiator on it:
It's about 5x5x3 cm and I was wondering if I could use it on the new motherboard?
It doesn't seem to be made for cooling vrms tho, what is it supposed to cool?
This is how the mb looks without it
Also, I have an old motherboard and I found something that looks like a radiator on it:
It's about 5x5x3 cm and I was wondering if I could use it on the new motherboard?
It doesn't seem to be made for cooling vrms tho, what is it supposed to cool?
This is how the mb looks without it