Question W10 on C: and Users on D: Breaks System Restore


Nov 29, 2014
If someone has such a set up with System on C: and Users on D: can you please create a system restore point and then restore it. See if it fails with possibly this error: 0x80070003

1-System works fine with 'Users' on D: Restore is just broken
2-I have installed clones going back 12 months and same.
3-Chckdsk finds nothing wrong
4-Smart test nothing wrong
5-Tried fresh install 1803 and 1809 using sysprep creating Users in 'D' via an xml file and System restore still fails as above.
6-Installed all on C: and Restore works fine.

Is there some special trick to this or is this some trip wire that you only find out when it's to late especially for those with small ssds.
I also remember a note on Microsoft site not recommending it but Users is fine. Just not ProgramData and others.

Any ideas.
Moving the entire /Users/ folder to a different drive often breaks restores and the semi-annual Update.
It has done this for years.

It is never a good idea to move the whole thing.
Individual Libraries, yes. The whole /Users/, no.
What do you mean by 'Libraries'

Do you mean each account, and if so do I just create a folder on 'D' and using windows move move each accounts folder there?
What do you mean by 'Libraries'

Do you mean each account, and if so do I just create a folder on 'D' and using windows move move each accounts folder there?
Libraries = Doc/Music/Pics/Video.
Yes, for each user account.

Procedures: (the OS version makes a difference)
Win 7 & 8:

Win 8.1 & 10: