The thing about leaving voltages on auto is that the BIOS can overestimate what is needed, resulting in unnecessary wear on your proc. It's best to key them in manually. When your friend said he hit 3.8 on auto, I assume he meant that his voltages were over stock still. You can hit 3.6 on stock, as I have heard many people do (myself included). You should try setting the cpu core voltage to 1.2v and the QPI/Dram voltage to 1.2 (both stock). Then you can turn speedstep and turbo off, and bump the bclk to 180. This setting passed a few hours of prime95 for me, with temps capping arount 75c. It's idleing right now in the 37-40 range. You will probably see better temps than me though, since the TRUE is the best air cooler out there.