Wanted: Smartphone & Tablet Writers For Tom's Hardware

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Smart phone, a phone which is the smart buy for the customer, bringing the best of price vs. the customer's needs.So, gaming and editing stuff: get a computer, preferably a desktop.Phone calls, listening to music, recording clips and simple things to read/play when bored on the bus... most 2+ year old phones should do.I am fired, I know. 😀
We like our community critical. It keeps our editorial and news team on their toes, ensures the veracity of our reports and reviews, and keeps commentary threads useful with dissenting opinion. Having a community that knows what they are talking about is actually one of the major features of Tom's that we're incredibly proud of. :)

In fact, it's why this article was posted here, rather than on a job board. 😛

If we sign up will the necessary benchmark tools and testing equipment be provided for us? I could submit a review of my Dell Venue or if you're looking for something with 3G/4G capabilities my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.
I am interested. I might apply. I specialize in photography and I'm a wordsmith or sorts. I also always have the latest and greatest mobile products in hand. Currently I have a note 3 a Kindle fire hdx and an iPad air
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