No, they are not a thing. They are bullsh¡t. Looks like EKWB needs to fire people, because obviously too many have too much spare time over there. By the way....since my computer fans spin so quickly....I believe I might need water cooling for my fan blades (each one of them with a separate pump, if possible). Can I get that too? Water cool my keyboard, my mobile phone, my country's about using saliva while you're at it? Can we get some water cooling for our as*es, then? Tongue-based WC would be amazing, especially if it's EKWB providing the service. What's next, EKWB? A pipe coming straight from the north pole that cools things down and we pay monthly subscriptions for that service?
You don't provide water cooling for HDDs that run hotter than SSDs, but you do provide that for a bunch of flash on a PCB. Nice. Smart. We're going from niche market to idiotic product development. Even 15.K RPM HDDs have PASSIVE cooling - a heatsink around them. But SSDs seem to be the Prescott of a new era...since they overheat so much. So much. So. much. The best has yet to come: water cooling my toilet paper and each screw inside my PC ----or maybe the ones in your heads? I think my toilet could use some of your services, as I would like my sh¡t to have LEDs and be fragmented into pieces in complete silence at sub-zero temperatures. I have a dream: that one day my sh¡t will have a dedicated water cooling system from EKWB. Because utter sh¡t makes products for sh¡t.
HOW ABOUT WATERCOOLING CONDOMS? That would definitely make a difference. Especially internally. When it comes to anal, it would be the main competition for your tongues, though. I think even the pills we take need WC. Hell, even our bodies need water cooling (they already have a system, but why not upgrade, right?). I would like my casket to be water cooled, seriously. And if there are ANY leaks or manufacturing defects, I want the new coolant to be the blood of the guy who had this SSD water cooling idea. Dracula would be your perfect client. You see, I already know your road map, blood-cooling coming in 2017! Try to talk to animals, see if they need any custom WC.
Do you know whether God has any need for water cooling? Satan definitely needs your services. There you go, expand your market!
"Our products are hot as hell, and keep your buttocks cool".. I would also need custom water cooling for bombs. Can you provide that? Of course you can. Since we're at 14nm manufacturing process wise, how about providing per-pin WC for each PCIExpress slot on my motherboard?
You see, the biggest mistake in this market was when your mother(s) decided to give birth to someone like some of your "engineers". Look where we are. I hope you water cool my prayers for some more intelligent people in I.T.
Like Einstein put it:
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity....and I'm not sure about the first. Best example: EKWB.