WaterCooling my CPU


Dec 27, 2011
hey guys as you can see by my SIG i have a Antec 900 V2 and i was curious yes i know i have enough room for a 120MM watercooling kit which would be good for a single loop around my case which would only give me enough RAD to cool just the cpu alone BUT would u suggest getting a bigger case to preferably make it a dual 120MM watercooling kit so that i could watercool my two GPUs aswell ????

NOTE that this is just an idea i definatly am going to watercool my CPU just need to know about the stability of cooling GPUS with a Dual kit
Before getting into specifics, I would recommend you post this over in the overclocking section, subsection watercooling, and we can get to sorting you out,
don't forget the sticky in there has lots of useful info as well,
@Rufus, I'm thinking the inclusion of Gpu's makes it full custom or Xspc/Swiftech territory rather than H100 :)


Dec 21, 2011

Wow I didnt even see that . my bad .. Moto -smacked again


Dec 27, 2011
cheers guys for the info im thinking of a custom loop because i have made a decision that im going to be changing my case to the Antec DF-85 because of the two dual 120mm fan space of the top and the back which allows me 2 240mm RAD's and yes i am thinking of getting the xspc kit most likly the rasa 750rs240 with a extra 240mm rad so i can do a custom loop which would go from the Rez/RAd/CPU/Rad/GPU's/Rez and so on i have also posted this on overclock3d and they suggested that loop for me so what do you think guys do you think the antec df-85 is up to the challenge.

oh and does anyone know where to get a 90 degree barb fittfrom to i can tak the hos from my last gpu to the res without be so close to the PSU


Dec 7, 2011
If you don't mind the fan noise just for cooling your CPU yes a 120mm rad should be enough (GPUs produce way more heat then CPUs usualy).

But like stated you should post it on the watercooling section too. Myself I just bought the corsaire 800d http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139001&Tpk=corsair%20800d

And its just insane for watercooling but I wouldn't spend 300$ on that case if I was only going to watercool my CPU. This is the kind of rads you can fit into that beast: http://www.coolercases.co.uk/hexeon/corsair_800d_17.jpg

Some even put the rads on the top outside of the case depending if you want it as exaust or intake.
Ok, if we're going to be answering it in here then :)

do not buy the Rs240, get the Rx or Ex version, much better radiators and the Ex is the same thickness as the Rs,
depending on what your cards are, and whether they are overclocked as well will help decide how much radiator space you need, but two cards and a 4GHz 960T will need more than two 240's, more like a 240 and a 360,
check out the sticky in Watercooling,
http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/265776-11-read-first-watercooling-sticky for some good tips, but we need to know the specifics of the parts being cooled to suitably suggest a solution :)

@Venur, top mounted Rads you say? :p
crazy people hehe


Dec 27, 2011
kk so im gonna get the rx240 but about the rads i kno ill defo need a 240 which can be mounted on the bak of the case but i would kno were to the put the 360 rad because theres only enough space to put another 240 rad on the top and just to remind i was going for the Antec df-85 Case but if u have any suggestions my case budget is £150 i kno its a bit low for a watercooling op but i need more money for the gpu blocks

My cards are Crossfire 6870's and no they arent overclocked never needed them to be
and my cpu at 4GHZ has a really low voltage after running prime for 4 and half hours i inly reached 45 degrees max load so yea Air Fan is a Artic Cooler Freezer Pro 13


Dec 7, 2011

If you are on a budget I'd sugest you to go with hybrid solution (pre assembled kit), especialy if you don't need that much of watercooling like you seems to say.

Many kit are performing well and will usualy give you a bether performence ratio/money then custom watercooling. But if you want to go custom for the thrill just do it :p


Dec 27, 2011
im not cheeping out on the kit im paying £180 for the RX240 kit and getting another RX240 RAD which is £70 and £80 for each of the GFX Card blocks its just i though the two 240 RAds would be enough so i started looking around and i came to about £150 - £180 for the case with 2 dual 120mm fan areas
I see you are going for fullcover blcoks on the cards?
you can half the cost there by using universal blocks and ramsinks, plus you can carry those over to your next graphics card upgrade, something you can't do with F/c blocks.
you can get the Rx240 kit to start off, but when adding I would go for the Ex series, the Ex360 is only fifty quid from Xspc's shop, cheaper and easier to find space for,
I used In wins dragon rider for my build (Top mount Rad Venur :p)
its less than a hundred now and a great case to mod up
or check the water cooling gallery, see if any cases jump out at you
your 6870's put out about 150w each and according to http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=697378 your chips about 110w
I think you'll be fine with two 240's on that as long as they are Rx or Ex's, not Rs


Dec 27, 2011
i am gonna get the rx240 with another rx240 rad because i dont think that the 360 rad would fit in the df-85 unless i mod the top of the case blocking the dvd bay