Watercooling temps question


Apr 1, 2015
If for example CPU at 60 C?
What would be the actual coolant temperature in the system

Can you please drop your temperature reads here ? Thanks

Best if it's CPU, GPU and Coolant temps(somewhere outside cpu or gpu blocks)
There are plenty of examples on the web about GPU and CPU temps under load...Google can serve you well here.

The watercooling sticky would also be highly beneficial for you...it covers a lot of basics.

Yeah, I understand that but was hopeing someone could drop some examples on the liquid/actual unit temperature. By unit I mean CPU or GPU under load.
Nothing accurate just an idea what is the difference in temperatures.
Would just like to know what sort of temperatures I can expect on the actual system pipes between each component if that makes sense.

Thanks and yeah found what I was looking for on Youtube


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