Watter cooling prolem


Jul 6, 2016
Hello guys, i have a problem with my brand new rig.

cpu: i7 8700k
PSU: corsair cx 750
watter cooler: corsair h110i
gpu: gtx1070 gbyte

I built up the whole rig (it's not the 1st one but i am not a proffesor too).
So when the judgment time came, the pc booted ultil the bios screen appeared. The time i log in to the bios the h110's fan started rises rpms close to max. In the bios screen the cpu temps was like 30+ C and keep going until i shut it down...

Have no idea what i made false, plz help.

thermal paste is in possition for ure, as for the pump cant really tell cause i cant hear it from the fans noise.
Couple things you can check. First, is the logo lighting up on the pump? Is the pump making proper contact with the CPU? You'll have to remove the pump and make sure the thermal paste transferred evenly across, and apply new thermal paste.

The light is ok when i boot it.
How could i check if the pump is making contact with the cpu? I mean that 80% i use the proper things to conect it to an intel cpu from the corsairs manual.
Also i checked it first with its own paste and after i realised the problem i replaced with a cm mx-2 paste, look it has tranfeered properly..

P.S. one thing i forgot to mention is that on the bios screen it dont recognise the cpu fans, cpu fan error (or something like that). :/

Its not only the cpus temps rishing up from 30+ but the fans rpm rishing from low to max on the bios men, could you tell me if that concers me or its normal?


yeah but is it safe to let the fans work at full rpms? and if the temps keep going when i should stop?
The fans can run as fast as they need to without issue, if they werent meant to go that fast corsair wouldnt have designed them to.
If it reaches anything over 60-70C at idle, there is something wrong there.

Something else to note, the stock fans on corsair AIO coolers are extremely loud, they may not even be going that fast.

hmm interesting, i will try that. also about the link, i conected to a usb 2.0 port on mobo, how do i enable it and should i?
Youll need to install the software once windows is installed, and I would indeed recommend you use corsair link.
You have the USB header installed which is all you need to do physically. Once you install the program, you can set fan curves and change the LED colors.

Ok i will, last thing before i check it. As i said in the other dude that in the bios menu cpu fan is not recognised. i mean where the fans are shown on bios menu with their rpms values the cpus not even shown there.

Double check your connections first.

SATA cable on the pump is connected to PSU
Single wire fan connector on pump is connected to CPU_FAN header on the motherboard
Both fans on the radiator are connected to the pump
Mini USB cable on the side of the pump is connected to your USB header

i triple check the conections and seems ok, but i will do it again...
the only thing i could do is to change the sata cable with an another of psu's cables in that one is broken.