I purchased a 4TB WD Blue SATA SSD three weeks ago, and its disappeared overnight from Windows 10 file explorer (and BIOS) 3 times after formatting and being placed into service. It’s the third disk in my system and replaces a 2TB spinning Hitachi (a secondary, non-bootable drive). I used the same SATA data cable and power supply connector as the Hitachi for the Blue. After a week of use, the first time the Blue disappeared overnight it was in use by a program (not idle or sleeping). I swapped its position with my DVD player (swapped data cable and power connector) and it booted fine. SMART says nothing is wrong with the drive. So I moved it back to its old spot and that also lasted about a week. The second time it disappeared overnight it was idle. So I completed replaced the SATA cable with a new, unsed one. I also move the Blue to a never used power supply connector. That lasted just one night. Again overnight it disappeared. Two reboots and its still missing in Windows and BIOS. The SATA cable and power supply connector appear snug and tight, but after simply touching them a little, the Blue will come back after a boot. Its like a short is occurring but I don’t see how it’s not a fault in the Blue with me using 2 different SATA data cables and 2 different power supply connectors. A pair of which worked fine for years on a Hitachi drive.