"And what proof do you have that the smarter someone is, the less likely they are to beleive in god."
Check out this link:
"Religion will not get in the way of science. People who practice religion and have their own beliefs, about what they feel is right and wrong, will get in the way of science."
That's like saying that anti personal mines don't kill, it's the people who put them there that are the ones that are to blame. Well... not, the ones to blame are the politicians and religious leaders that think that things should be resolved with violence. Also to blame are the ones that permit the actual fabrication of these mines.
Same applies to religion. Tolerance to these people who only respect their morals instead of ethics is like tolerating that your own government produces, sells or uses anti personal mines. I'm tired of tolerating that Muslims get special rights for being Muslims in my country, and I'm tired of tolerating Christians that get in the way of people's lives, in the way of science and in even declare that "Christ is in our side" when going to war with Iraq to fight for "freedom?" (oil).
A lot of disgusting things are made in the name of religion and if no religions existed than the world wouldn't have to bear these crazy people. And all of this because of some imaginary friends. Why do these nasty things because of some crazy stories? It would be more interesting if people believed in The Lord of The Rings instead of in the Bible and the Koran. It's also interesting how Christians criticize Scientology and are actually scared of those crazy guys, when it's basically the same thing as Christianity: some people invent a ridiculous story, and people follow. Why are YOU a Christian and not a Muslim? (If it's your case). Well because your parents and society taught you to believe in it and not the other religion. That's kind of sad, isn't it?