We May Be Extraterrestrials After All

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So, the "lightening striking the primordial soup" theory is out now? I will have to alter my understanding of my existence:

There was this Big Bang, meteorites with DNA struck the earth, some creature crawled out of the sea, and yada yada yada I was born.

Got it!
DXRick if you simplify it like that, it will sound stupid. That is what makes Evolution unpopular between many, is the fact you eggheads love to Simplify it to make sound like it just doesn't make sense.

What doesn't make sense imo is god snapping his fingers and boom we're all here. Fossiles, Fossile fuels, Carbon dating all disproved that years ago. The only other explanation that has hard evidence would be the Evolutionary theory.

Now as for us coming from a meteor. Eh, W/e makes more sense. I couldn't care less because i'm alive.
I think things like this are too much for common people to swallow. For example, if it could be proven mathematically that god did or did not exist, it would create quite a bit of disaray and no matter what there would be disbelief.

Though I do find this very intersting and can't wait to hear more come out of this.
The whole thing about life's origins only makes sense to me that it was created. I mean please explain to me how the universe got here if it wasn't created at some point. The whole scientific community relies on the principles of conservation of mass-energy to solve difficult problems, but will then turn around and say the big bang came out of nowhere? You have to start with mass, or you have to start with energy. You can't start with nothing and get something if you ask me.
That is where our logic fails, some things in this universe don't make sense, but we try our damnest to make sense of it anyways because our knowledge is based around that.

Evolution has holes, yes, but we've only been studying it for less the 100 years, give it time. We will eventually find out how it all came to be, until then its just discovery after discovery.
Believing the existence of god implies you can believe in an infinitely complex being that existed forever. If you can believe that, I can believe in relatively simpler explanations of how life started on earth. We should all remember evolution does not try to answer how universe came to be.

Big bang theory is still controversial btw, it needed a lot of patching since its inception. The father of the theory was a actually a priest, just a side note.
Like my old man said, Evolution is the answer to how we came to be. God answers how it all began. The very urge we have to life, to change and adapt to continue living is the force that god created. something like that. ITs pretty interesting
interesting hesido, but the fact that time, energy and mass even exists may never be explained during our human existence. my logic tells me that the finite came from the infinite and that a God must exist and created all things. call me crazy, it's okay.
Your "god" may be just a programmer who "programmed" this space as a simulation running on a "computer". Just his hardware and knowledge is infinite times better than ours so we can never understand it. :)
I agree with martel80. And the carbon dating and fosils explanation from my previous debates with believers is interpreted as "The almighty did create everything, including fosils, as they are found, underground and with that age according to our instruments"... like ghosting on a new harddrive, 😛, the world might have been truly created when they say, from a previously saved state that somehow evolved like martel80 said.
People like DXRick, jimmysmitty and someguy777 just make me pray harder to FSM so that his noodlish appendix touches thou souls so that they can finally see that the origin of everything was an hour ago. All the things that you see and experience now were created an hour ago, and everything that we experienced in the past is actually a memory that FSM implanted in our brains.
For more information:
One thing i have never understood with people who argue completely for evolution and against god are these 2 things

- Firstly, carbon dating only proves that there is X amount of carbon in item Y. which is how accurate? and means what? maybe there was only that much carbon when that rock was formed.
- Secondly, would it be that hard to imagine that god allowed for evolution, or guided it.
Why do we want to believe in a God so much? Is it because we have advanced brains that allow such thinking, that make us want more after death, that make us want a real purpose on this planet? Could we just be here to mate, and create more to continue with our species like every other creature on this planet? What makes us so special. Just because we evolved with bigger brains doesn't make us the special creature.

I think us humans just make this stuff up to make life more bareable because if we didn't it would be dull and most people would be depressed knowing the fact we are only here to breed.

I don't mind believing in this stuff, but if it gets in the way of science, like Stem cells, thats when I hate religion because it slows our technology down.
Just because we evolved with bigger brains doesn't make us the special creature.

There's a heaven for dogs too, you know... and for viruses to. Viruses have souls too. I travel by airplane a lot and I usually see human angels flying in the clouds. I also see flying cat angels and flying plankton angels in the sky. That proves that there is a God, right?
Your second statement is impossible.

God doesn't exist and has never existed so it's kind of impossible for God to allow or guide anything.
There's something called socially accepted schizophrenia that is a sickness that makes you believe that there's something/someone watching you and that if you talk to it/him in your thoughts or out loud, it/he actually listens to you.

It's kind of sad that it's socially accepted and that these people don't actually go to a mental homes (although it seems that churches and mosques are kind like mental homes in the sense that they're full of crazy people).

It's not a coincidence that the more intelligent a person is, the less likely it is for that person to believe in Santa Claus, God, the tooth fairy, etc.
I sure hope people start getting a better education and start using their brains a little bit more.
The world would be a much better and nicer place if no religious existed, that's for sure.

And what proof do you have that the smarter someone is, the less likely they are to beleive in god. The others mentioned were never believed to be real by anyone, except for the children they were designed for. Obviously you need some social counceling because tolerance is not one of your vitues. You attack other people for sharing there beliefs/thoughts. Then you attack someone who isnt even exactly disagreeing with you.


Religion will not get in the way of science. People who practice religion and have their own beliefs, about what they feel is right and wrong, will get in the way of science.
I really don't think any intelligent person believes that God snapped his fingers and created the universe. If there is a God he is probably a chemist and a damn good one. But really what is more believable God created the universe or it sprang from nothing...I mean some thing....well how did that some thing get there in the first place to create some thing in the next place. And if a supreme being did it where did he come from and so on and so on. So to me either a supreme being or by accident or some other cause is possible to me. I don't rule out one over the other because any one of them can be just as likely as the other one.
"And what proof do you have that the smarter someone is, the less likely they are to beleive in god."

Check out this link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2111174/Intelligent-people-'less-likely-to-believe-in-God'.html

"Religion will not get in the way of science. People who practice religion and have their own beliefs, about what they feel is right and wrong, will get in the way of science."

That's like saying that anti personal mines don't kill, it's the people who put them there that are the ones that are to blame. Well... not, the ones to blame are the politicians and religious leaders that think that things should be resolved with violence. Also to blame are the ones that permit the actual fabrication of these mines.
Same applies to religion. Tolerance to these people who only respect their morals instead of ethics is like tolerating that your own government produces, sells or uses anti personal mines. I'm tired of tolerating that Muslims get special rights for being Muslims in my country, and I'm tired of tolerating Christians that get in the way of people's lives, in the way of science and in even declare that "Christ is in our side" when going to war with Iraq to fight for "freedom?" (oil).

A lot of disgusting things are made in the name of religion and if no religions existed than the world wouldn't have to bear these crazy people. And all of this because of some imaginary friends. Why do these nasty things because of some crazy stories? It would be more interesting if people believed in The Lord of The Rings instead of in the Bible and the Koran. It's also interesting how Christians criticize Scientology and are actually scared of those crazy guys, when it's basically the same thing as Christianity: some people invent a ridiculous story, and people follow. Why are YOU a Christian and not a Muslim? (If it's your case). Well because your parents and society taught you to believe in it and not the other religion. That's kind of sad, isn't it?
I respect the fact that you believe in Religions, in Jesus, etc. Someone pushing onto other people that religion is wrong is just as bad as a Christian pushing his religion onto me.

I believe in God, but not in the "holy way" most do. I don't believe he will grant your wishes, or help your life. I just believe he created and governed evolution.
You should also check out this video:

Also some videos of this guy (start with his first videos):
Videos like "Hello America", "What have I got against religion?" and "The trouble with Islam" are good videos to start with.

I hope you checked the link in my previous post for you before.

And now that I'm at it, this hasn't anything to do with religion, but I'll let you get a little bit more cultured with it too ;-)
I personally came to Earth on one of these meteorites ...

I recalled it in a past life regression session.

I was a small piece of green slime on the bottom.

It was an uneventful life ... nothing much to report.

I wasn't a famous piece of slime either ... just working class.

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