If you have been paying attention, China has repeatedly said they want Taiwan.So, the opinions of one "chief economist at the government-run China Center for International Economic Exchanges" suddenly means China's CCP wants to takeover TSMC and/or Taiwan.
That's quite a claim and I don't think it's appropriate to jump to such a conclusion.
Now, if there was incontrovertible proof from within China's military or CCP members, this would be acceptable. Otherwise, this reads as an alarmist-piece based on one person's opinions.
This economist is telegraphing a strategic move and reason for it.
Anyone familiar with China and Taiwan know this is not alarmists.
Taiwan has been trying to prepare for an invasion.
The US military has done a 200 page report on a war between them.
We should be very concerned, this would be a world wide war,
but mostly economic, which is China's best bet to become world leader
because they know they can't win a military war.