Weird CPU Temp on Q6600


Feb 28, 2009
Hello everyone, I have a Q6600 overclocked to 3.0 Ghz.
I have been monitoring my temperatures when I found out that I have a reading of 109C on my CPU temp.
Both Speed Fan and PC Wizard 08 reflect the same value.

Screen shots below:



While the CPU temp is high, the core temps seem to be normal.
If I am not mistaken if my temperatures are that high, the computer will just restart. I am just puzzled now.

Does anyone know why I have such a reading ?

Many thanks in advance.
It's a bogus reading.

Core 2 Quad and Duo Temperature Guide

it looks like you have a stuck sensor. your core temps are supposed to be higher than the cpu temps. i once had my cpu temp stuck at 112C, but it went away when i restarted the computer. does it do this at stock speeds too?

+1.. Happened to me twice stucked at 109c
Hi again,

Thanks for all the replies. Glad to know that I am not the only one with this problem.

When I restart I get back to normal about 25C - 30C for the CPU temp, this only happens after using the computer for 2 hours.

Am I right to say that this is a software problem instead of a hardware problem?
unless your cpu defies the laws of physics on many levels, it is safe to say that IT IS a hardware/software problem. weather it be from fanspeed or the sensor itself, we can say your prossesor is in no danger.