Question Weird keyboard issue ?


May 28, 2017
A couple of weeks back I noticed a problem with the "A" key of my old keyboard - it would occasionally and randomly either not register the key press or register it twice. I figured it was an issue with the keyboard getting old and figured it was time to replace it.

I bought a new mechanical keyboard - and lo and behold, its having the same exact issue.
I tried changing usb ports on my pc but that doesnt fix it either. And its only the "A" key that has the issue. Everything else works fine.

Any ideas what might be happening and how to fix it?
What you describe sounds a lot like the A key has a bit of dirt in it that interferes with good contact intermittently. That certainly should NOT happen with a NEW keyboard, but by total fluke it might. As Ralston18 says above, "Try the keyboard(s) on another known working computer". If BOTH keyboards have the same issue (may be hard to detect if intermittent), then oddly both have the same issue. IF that is the case, then many keyboards can be opened up and you can clean off their key contacts. If you want to do that and need some hints on how, post back here.