Weird multiplier...


Aug 26, 2004
Well, when I load cpu-z, my multiplier fluctuates between 6x and 9x (just those two values), that is, the speed is either 1200mhz or 1800 mhz (without overclock). The cpu is E4300, which should be 9x and 1800mhz at stock.

Please will someone explain me why I see those numbers...? When I oc'ed the fsb to 300 mhz and even manually set multiplier to 9x, now I'm seeing the speed mostly 1800mhz (at 6x) and occasionally 2700mhz (at 9x)

Any response is appreciated..
Okay, so I just noticed the same problem with my system, but c1e/speedstep is disabled.

MSI 965 Platinum
BIOS 1.4 (just flashed from v1.3 which also had this problem)

Even with no overclock, CPU-Z says it still fluctuates between x6 to x7. Underload it's a constant x7. Only overclocking I do is in the BIOS, but again, even at stock settings it fluctuates.

I'd recommend you check other features that would control the multiplier as well. As far as I know, c1e isn't the only feature that protects cpu by adjusting values..
Yeah, tried that. Even shut down a few things that gave me POST errors. Eh.. guess I need to take it easy on the OC'ing until I get a new CPU.