About two weeks ago, I bought a pretty cheap board, a Gigabyte H310M S2P, because my old one couldn't fit in the new computer case I bought for better cooling. After installing it, everything seemed to work, until all of the USB ports started acting weird. I have no idea what's causing it, nor what the actual problem is, but here's my observations :
Here's everything I've tried :
Finally, here's my specs. Nothing too insane, but everything worked seamlessly until I changed the motherboard.
- After a little while, USB ports seem to extremely suddenly "stop" giving out power.
- It doesn't actually stop giving power though, because anything that was plugged in before the ports start acting up will still work.
- Unplugging something (E.g my keyboard or my mouse) after this "decrease" in power output will obviously make it stop working, because it's not plugged in anymore, but plugging it back in doesn't make it work again, as if the board doesn't realize I just plugged in something.
- Rebooting the computer repeats this entire process, where the ports will initially work normally until they randomly stop giving power again. The time it takes for this to happen can range between 5 minutes to roughly two days, as they're the shortest and longest times I've experienced.
- I thought I could just do without unplugging anything ever, but another problem, and most likely the biggest one, is that my USB wifi adapter stops working as soon as the power goes out, regardless of if it was plugged in before or after the power loss. This sets it apart of the other USB devices that will still work as long as I don't unplug them.
- In multiple instances, this power loss happened shortly after starting a download (E.g a steam game), but I've also downloaded 100 GB+ games without anything happening, so I'm not sure if these are coincidences or not.
- Once the power loss has occured, trying to shut down or reboot the PC will get me stuck in an infinite loop of loading. I once left it for like 30 minutes and the PC was still in the process of shutting down/rebooting, which forces me to forcefully shut down the PC everytime by holding down the power button.
- Once the power loss has occured, I'm unable to uninstall USB drivers in device manager, as it gets me stuck in an infinite loop of loading, similarly to the previous point. I need to shut down device manager through the task manager to forcefully cancel the uninstallation.
Here's everything I've tried :
- Installing the motherboard drivers from the website instead of the DVD that was included in the box.
- Resetting the CMOS battery.
- Disabling USB Selective Suspend.
- Windows Reset when drives other than C: were unplugged.
- Windows Reset when drives other than C: were plugged.
- Windows Reset while keeping personal files.
- Windows Reset while deleting everything.
Finally, here's my specs. Nothing too insane, but everything worked seamlessly until I changed the motherboard.
- Intel Core i7-9700
- GTX 1660 Ti
- 16 GB RAM
- Corsair VS500 PSU
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