50 year old-timer here that's been busy with computers from the beginning.
Computer related work experience would be first as the "kid-on-the-block" that did the troubleshooting for everyone's computer problems. Much later I worked for a computer company as a support agent via phone, mail or in a store solving all kinds of hardware and software related problems. Stopped doing the work for two reasons:
1) I thought making my hobby my work would be a good idea but I saw that if I continued it wouldn't remain my hobby anymore. Love this hobby too much to let it go.
2) I started to hate anything that was commercial, marketing and sales related. I hated the fact that in today's business climate (for a lot but not all companies) people are not important, only the money in their pockets is. I became disgusted with marketing strategies and sales tactics.
So now I work for the government in a department that is not money related at all but that is all about people. My primary hobby remains computers.
History with computers:
It all started with early game consoles: some Tandy, Mattel Intellivision, Atari 2600 then much later a PS1 and Xbox.
As we didn't have any computers in my folks household before the 8088 I had to use computers with friends and even got to borrow one from over a year from a guy that was in the army. That was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Others I used at friends places were Commodore Amiga, 64 and 128 and an early Apple at school.
Then came the XT 8088 in my folks house followed by an XT 8086 and AT 80286 that all ran DOS, the 8026 was upgrades to Windows. AT 80286 at the university on Windows. Used an IBM with OS/2 at work after that.
The first computer I bought for myself after I got married was a 80386 running Windows 3.1. From then on I used Windows Pcs for 15 years up to a Pentium 4 on Windows XP.
After that I switched to Mac for about for about 15 years I guess, from OSX Tiger up to now.
I am busy switching back to Windows though, already have a laptop running Windows 10 and busy assemblng my own PC as I used to do. I have a case with cooling, power supply and 4K optical drive ready to go, just figuring out the processor, mainboard and graphics card. Thinking of wating for Ice Lake with a Z390 and 1080TI unless there are some Volta TI's by the time the processor comes out.
Oh, and I'm "slightly" addicted to copmputer peripherals. 3 printers, 2 scanners, 16 mice, 6 keyboards, 2 CouchMasters, a nice Fanatec racing setup on a Wheel Stand Pro and Thrustmaster Hotas with MFG Crosswind pedals also on a Wheel Stand Pro.
Well, end rant, I hope I didn't bore you too much!
Oh, forgot about other hobbies as PCs' are the main thing. That would be consoles, some A/V (mainly headphone related) and motorbikes. I've been riding for 34 years and while bikes have been my main transportation type for many years nowadays motorcycling has been reduced to leisurely rides.