Westell 7500 to Bridge mode? Need some help


Aug 21, 2009

I am having some problems setting up my westell 7500 into bridge mode. I have a linksys E1000 router that was previously hooked up to the westell through bridge mode and it worked fine. However a few days ago my internet was knocked out on verizons end but I thought it was on my end so I reset everything to factory settings. Ever since then I have not been able to set everything to work correctly.

I 100% believe that I am configuring the westell correctly into bridge mode as I have followed the guides online and even sat on the telephone with verizon for 20 mins as the repeated to me the same exact steps I have been doing. However after putting it into bridge mode I connect a ethernet cable to the linksys and from the router I connect a cable to the computer and I get a limited connection network. I feel this has to be something not configured correctly with the Linksys that it is not working.

Can anyone provide some help here in what I have to do to get this to work properly? I have had my network set up like this for the past two years without any problems and to be honest it has been so long that I cant remember anything special that I had to do to get it to work this way.

Additional info, the westell works fine out of bridge mode as i can access the internet however when playing video games I found that the westell gives me so many problems with firewalls and getting online games to work correctly that it is less of a hassle to just put it into bridge mode and allow the linksys to take care of it.

Thank you


Aug 21, 2009
The easiest and absolutely last thing I thought to do...Find the installation cd to the linksys and run it. That could of saved me a headache the last two days but oh well lol